Series: Fire and Thorns #3
Published by Harper Teen on August 27, 2013
Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 448
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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The epic conclusion to Rae Carson's Fire and Thorns trilogy. The seventeen-year-old sorcerer-queen will travel into the unknown realm of the enemy to win back her true love, save her country, and uncover the final secrets of her destiny.
Elisa is a fugitive in her own country. Her enemies have stolen the man she loves in order to lure her to the gate of darkness. As she and her daring companions take one last quest into unknown enemy territory to save Hector, Elisa will face hardships she's never imagined. And she will discover secrets about herself and her world that could change the course of history. She must rise up as champion-a champion to those who have hated her most.
The Bitter Kingdom, the final book in the Fire and Thorns trilogy, is perfect. Fans of the series will not be disappointed at all.
The ending of The Crown of Embers was pretty much the worst cliffhanger ever. Hector’s been taken by the Invierno assassin, Franco, and it’s up to Elisa, Belen, Mara, and Storm to get him back. That’s only a minor part of the story though. There is so much going on in The Bitter Kingdom that I’m astounded that Rae Carson fit it all in one book.
The characters have grown even stronger than before. Elisa no longer requires rescuing. In fact, she’s the one doing the rescuing now. Belen has earned everyone’s trust again. Storm is now willingly loyal to Elisa. Mara has grown a backbone. And Hector is willing to let Elisa save him every now and again. They are equal in their relationship, at least in that aspect.
The story is non-stop action. Like I said, there’s so much going on. I’m not going to spoil anything but I’ll just say that the Inviernos aren’t the only ones that Elisa and her friends must challenge.
Overall, The Bitter Kingdom is such a perfect ending. I was left feeling happy but super sad to say goodbye to all the characters. This is definitely going to be a series worth re-reading.
What others are saying about The Bitter Kingdom:
Alexa Loves Books’ review: “If The Girl of Fire and Thorns lit my fangirl fire, and The Crown of Embers coaxed roaring flames out of it, then The Bitter Kingdom kept it steadily aflame.”
Book Lovers For Life’s review: “I can’t recommend this series enough.”
My Life is a Notebook’s review: “So many things about these books where so perfect.”
I’m in the middle of reading The Crown Of Embers ( got the book yesterday) and it’s just mind blowing! I need to order this one ASAP to find out what happens.
Loved the review!
If you compare Elisa now and Elisa in book 1, it’s like she’s one of the most badass characters out there! I love her! She’s an inspiration 🙂
Wasn’t the plot awesome in this one ?!!!
Can’t wait for what this author comes up with next. Do you know if she’s got anything planned?
Lovely review 🙂
I still haven’t gotten around to reading this series! It’s been on my TBR pile forever. Great review, I can’t wait to read it.
You must read it! It’s completely different from other fantasy series, and the character are likable and you root for them! 🙂
Her next series has magic in it too and it’s in the Wild West! Love that!! 🙂