Not a Drop to Drink (Not a Drop to Drink #1) by Mindy McGinnis|Review

Not a Drop to Drink (Not a Drop to Drink #1) by Mindy McGinnis|ReviewNot a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis
Series: Not a Drop to Drink #1
Published by Harper Teen on September 24, 2013
Genres: Dystopian
Pages: 320
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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Regret was for people with nothing to defend, people who had no water.

Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn't leave at all.

Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. Having a life means dedicating it to survival, and the constant work of gathering wood and water. Having a pond requires the fortitude to protect it, something Mother taught her well during their quiet hours on the rooftop, rifles in hand.

But wisps of smoke on the horizon mean one thing: strangers. The mysterious footprints by the pond, nighttime threats, and gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they won’t stop until they get it….

picadillyblueNot a Drop to Drink, Mindy McGinnis’ debut novel, is a unique dystopian story that kept me hooked from beginning to end.  It’s a story that hasn’t been overdone in YA and readers should really enjoy that about it.

Not A Drop to Drink is not your typical action packed, evil government overlord dystopian.  It’s a much slower paced story about survival.  Water is scarce (at least purified drinking water) and people are dying left and right because of this.  Looting is popular, medicine is almost nonexistent, and people are not friendly.  It’s a very realistic futuristic story.

Lynn is not your typical heroine.  She’s not all that likable.  She is unfriendly, wary of everyone, and just outright mean sometimes.  She’s much rather shoot someone than get to know them.  That’s how her mother raised her.  She doesn’t stay that way though.  She starts to see the error of her ways.  Eli, Lucy, Neva, Stebbs; each one of them plays a role in reshaping Lynn’s outlook.

The danger in Not a Drop to Drink isn’t actually present for much of the book.  The greatest danger is that Lynn could run out of food and water before the winter is over.  It’s a danger that’s there but not something you can attack and get rid of.  There is some of that danger too.  There are people moving in on Lynn’s home and pond.  She has to protect her childhood home and her only water supply from this unknown danger.

Not a Drop to Drink perfectly ties everything up at the end.  I’m sure a sequel could be written (and is going to be) but this book makes for a perfect standalone.  All questions are answered for readers.

Overall, Not a Drop to Drink is a solid addition to the YA dystopian genre.  Mindy McGinnis is definitely going to be an author to watch for.

What others are saying about Not a Drop to Drink: 

Jenna Does Books’ review: “At the end of the day, NOT A DROP TO DRINK is one of the most realistic and believable speculative future stories I have ever read.:”

Effortlessly Reading’s review: “Overall, I highly recommend Not A Drop To Drink.”

Beauty and the Bookshelf’s review: “Not a Drop to Drink is different from a lot of YA out there, at least from what I’ve read; I can’t think of anything quite like it, though I can think of some books with that sort of realistic grit to it.”

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  1. I really loved this one! It was so much more poignant than a dystopian government because you can’t really fight nature, just survive it.

    Water scarcity is such a real threat, it’s good it’s reflected in literature.

    I love how the characters slowly change, but the end was brutal!!

    Lovely review 🙂

  2. This is another book right on top of my TBR list. I really cant get enough of dystopians! And judging by all the reviews I’ve read, it sounds very, very realistic *shudders*. I don’t think I’ll survive for long if a scenario like this does happen.