BEA Recap: Day 3 in NYC/Day 2 at BEA!

My third day in NYC actually started off pretty relaxed for me.  I didn’t have any breakfasts so there was no need for me to get to the Javits early.  I know some people like to line up way before the floor opens but I’ve discovered over the past few years that it doesn’t actually do anything.  I decided to take my time getting to the Javits and I ended up walking in only a couple minutes before they opened the floor.

I spent a good part of my morning in line for Jandy Nelson’s signing of I’ll Give You The Sun.  I actually ended up hanging out with a great group of bloggers that included Jamie from The Perpetual Page-Turner, Betty from Book Rock Betty, Alison Cherry (author of Red), and a bunch of other bloggers that I can’t even remember right now.  Let’s just say, there were a lot of us in line for that book.  The line went pretty quickly though and following that I just spent my morning wandering the floor picking up some more awesome books.

Photo courtesy of Jamie!
Photo courtesy of Jamie!

Lunch was the highlight of my day.  I was invited to Simon & Schuster’s Teen Lunch featuring Scott Westerfeld, Becca Fitzpatrick, Kresley Cole, Martina Boone, and Christina Lauren (Lauren Billings and Christina Hobbs).  First off, they provided us with a delicious lunch that I devoured while listening to the authors talk about their books.  Christina Lauren started us off talking about their YA debut, Sublime.  I’ve actually already read Sublime and let me just tell you, it’s awesome.  If you love spooky ghost stories with fabulous settings, add it to your TBR.  Next up was Kresley Cole, an author I admit that I have never read.  She talked about the idea behind her Arcana Chronicles series and she thoroughly intrigued me.  She had the idea to have tarot cards come to life and each of her characters is based around a tarot card.  So cool!  Next was Martina Boone, debut author of Compulsion.  She said that her book has been described as similar to Beautiful Creatures in it’s southern gothic setting.  Following her was Becca Fitzpatrick who is actually a Colorado author.  She discussed her research for her new thriller, Black Ice.  The pictures she shared that she took while visiting the Tetons were gorgeous.  Last but definitely not least was Scott Westerfeld.  He showed us the new trailer for his book, Afterworlds, and it was amazing!  It seriously looked like it could have been a movie trailer.  That was enough to get me interested in Afterworlds but after he talked about it, I was even more excited to check it out.  And lucky for all of us in attendance, Simon & Schuster treated us all to goodie bags with all the books and they were all SIGNED!  So cool.


Following lunch I wandered around a little more and headed to Miranda Kenneally’s signing for Breathe, Annie Breathe.  I was lucky enough to be one of the first in line.  While waiting the Sourcebooks people came around handing out the cutest swag: jelly beans!  I dug into those while I waited and pretty soon I made it through the line to grab another one of my most anticipated titles.  After that there wasn’t much left for me to do so I headed back to the hotel to get ready for the book blogger picnic!


The book blogger picnic was held in Central Park and put together by Alexa (Alexa Loves Books), Andrea (The Overstuffed Bookcase), Jen (YA Romantics), and Katelyn (Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands).  There were a ton of bloggers in attendance and it was a great chance to just hang out and chat.  There were snacks and cake and it was tons of fun.  However, it did start to rain after a while so I headed back to the hotel for the night.

Photo courtesy of Alexa!
Photo courtesy of Alexa!

Friday was overall not too crazy for me which was good because the following day was Bookcon.  Check back later for my final recap and my thoughts on Bookcon!

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