My Top 6 Series to Start and Finish in 2014!

I have always been and probably always will be bad about finishing series. Part of the problem is that I sometimes just decide not to start a series until all the books are published. I’m horribly impatient and don’t like waiting to know what happens next. However, by the time all the books are published I don’t have time to read them all. That is going to change this year!

Juhina from Maji Bookshelf posted her top 6 series to start and finish in 2014 so I stole the idea and decided I’d do the same thing. Maybe you guys can hold me accountable and I’ll actually get these read!



I own all three of these books but I’ve yet to pick them up.  I’ve heard great things about this series and it sounds completely unique from anything I’ve ever read.  I’m pretty sure there is a read-a-long for these so maybe I should sign up for that and finally read them.

Something Strange and Deadly


I am actually about to start this series!  It’s historical fiction with zombies.  What more could you want?  Oh and I hear there is some fabulous romance.  This series sounds right up my alley.

Mara Dyer

I started this series when the first book came out but after reading reviews for the second one I decided to wait for the final book to be released to get caught up.  People loved the second book but said the ending was killer.  The final book will be out late this year so it’s almost time for me to re-read book one and finish the series.

Jasper Dent (1)


This is another one that I’ve already started.  I Hunt Killers was one of my favorite books of 2012.  It was such a creepy story that hooked me from the start.  I picked up Game as soon as I could but I kept having to put it off for review books.  Now it’s almost time for the final book to be released and I’m totally planning on binge reading all three.

The White Rabbit Chronicles

I’ve seen people reading the final book in this series and all they have done is rave about it.  I can’t not read it after that.  Especially since people love the love interest in this one.  I’m convinced.

The Darkest Minds

I’ve read the first book in this series but I chose not to pick up the second one immediately after.  I wanted to let the first one sink in and then I just kept having to put review books ahead of it.  I’m also a little afraid that this series is going to break my heart.  We’ll see.  I’ll definitely be picking up the second and third later this year.

What about you guys?  Have you read any of these series or are you like me, waiting to read them until all the books are out?  Are there any series you are determined to finish this year?

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  1. I’m terrible with series, too. Terrible! I am so excited, though, for the next Jasper dent book. Game is SOOO good, but the end! I wish I had the next book to jump right into.

    I also need to finish the White Rabbit Chronicles. I’ve read the first book, but that’s as far as I got, even though I own the second. Like I said, I suck at series.

  2. I read the first Mara Dyer book (audiobook) and it was awesome! So mind-trippy! I’m still not sure what is going on…but I’ve heard all about that ending in book two so I’m waiting.
    I need to finish the White Rabbit Chronicles and I want to start The Darkest Minds series too.
    Good luck!

  3. I think most of my reading revolves around series– I just did a sense check, and I finished 3 so far, so yay!

    The ones you listed are AMAZING. I definitely want to read Mara Dyer, and Something Strange and Deadly!

    Great post!

  4. I’m about to start the White Rabbit Chronicles, too! Until 2 months ago, I hated zombies, but then I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth and I really loved it! So I’ve decided to give them a chance.

  5. Asma has been pushing me to read THE DARKEST MINDS, but I might wait for the third one to get started. A few of my favorite series: The Lunar Chronicles, The Grisha Trilogy, His Fair Assassins, and The Bloodlines series… The list could go on 😉

  6. Ahhh, great list! I just read all three Something Strange and Deadly books this past month and I loooooved them! The second was even better than the first, and then the third kept up the awesomeness! 😀 I started What’s Left of Us, and really liked it, but honestly didn’t love it enough to make me want to read the whole series. White Rabbit chronicles is one that I definitely need to pick up! I’ve had the first two on my shelf for ages!

  7. Something Strange and Deadly is the next book on my list! I don’t mean to wait until the last book has come out to start a series but it happens. I just finished reading Defiance by C.J. Redwine (which I wanted to read since it first came out) and the final book is coming out soon, and last year it was Gallagher Girl and Vampire Academy. I do like having the whole story all at once though without having much wait. It keeps me from forgetting it

  8. Mara Dyer is amazing! I feel like I’ve been waiting on book three for ages. I’ve also been wanting to read Something Strange and Deadly and hope on reading the White Rabbit Chronicles soon. I’ve heard great things about both!

  9. I am just waiting for the final books of Mara Dyer and Darkest Minds! Both series are fantastic and very gripping! I’ve been wanting to read Something Strange and Deadly especially now that the third book is released! I didn’t really like the second of book of Zombieland, but I am also anticipating for the third book! Heehee. I love series!

  10. I’ve been wanting to read The Jasper Dent series so badly, it sounds so intense and intriguing. I’m scared to pick up The Darkest Minds cause of all the hype surrounding it and dystopias aren’t my favourite genre but I can’t resist books that have super powers.

  11. I am so horrible at finishing a series it isn’t even funny. Out of all the ones you have listed I have only read the Mara Dyer books and I love them. Too bad I have to wait forever to read that last book since it has been pushed back so many times. Anyway, I do hope to read The Darkest Minds at some point. Good luck!

  12. I can’t wait for the last Mara Dyer book. It has been pushed back so many times I want it in my hands already! I haven’t read any of the other series even though I own the first book in a lot of the ones you listed
    Good luck getting through all these!

  13. oh YES! I want to start the Kat Zhang books! though I don’t own any. haha. I agree about evolution.. it’s good that you’re waiting for the retribution.. that ending WAS a killer. I haven’t picked up The Darkest Minds trilogy but i’m waiting for the third to come out so i can buy all three and marathon them! I’ll hold you accountable if you hold me accountable for my list by the end of the year! 😀

    – Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf