Top Ten Blogging Confessions!

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For more information and a list of past and future topics, go here.1. I am terrible at sticking to schedules.  I always try to plan out my TBR as well as things that I need to post on the blog but I always end up forgetting things or running out of time or just being lazy.  I really shouldn’t waste time writing schedules but I still do.

2. I don’t ever want to be like other bloggers.  I love reading other blogs but I don’t want to conform to what people consider a blog should be.  If I want to throw in random musings about something I discovered, I want to throw that in.  I don’t want my blog to be just like every other blog out there.

3. I get jealous very easily and very often.  Not so much over books (because I realize it’s real easy to buy the book once it’s released) but when other bloggers are asked to participate in cool promotions or host certain authors on their blog or interview an author at a signing, I do get jealous.  I want to be someone that’s asked to do those kind of things!

4. I don’t know why I bother with ARCs.  I never have time to read books very far in advance so ARCs feel kind of wasted on me.  I’d be just as happy with a finished copy right around or before the release date of a book.

5. I get overwhelmed with blogging at least once a month.  I’ve thought a lot about adding another blogger or two to my blog or maybe just giving up altogether but so far nothing has come of either of those thoughts.

6.  I feel obligated to post at least 5 times a week, if not every day.  I know I don’t have to but it’s kind of ingrained in my head now.  When I first started my blog I had to blog a lot to get posts out there and now it’s just habit.  I feel like a slacker if I don’t post very often.

7. I feel like my blogger friends are better friends than my real friends sometimes.  I’ve met so many people online who blindly accept me and I can’t say the same for some of my real life friends.  I feel like this is a place where I can be completely myself and never have to worry what people think.

8. I wish I was creative enough to come up with fun, unique memes.  I’ve always wanted to create a meme but I’ve never been able to think of something that hasn’t already been done.

9. I’m horrible with HTML and creating graphics but I never stop trying.  See that little Top Ten Tuesday graphic at the top there?  I made that.  I’m pretty proud of that.

10. I can’t read a book these days without analyzing it, even if it’s not for review. I might as well just review every book I read because I pretty much do that in my head while I read.

What are some of your blogging confessions? Feel free to leave links in the comments!

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  1. We have some very similar blogging confessions! I always try to force a reading schedule on myself, but it never works out. It actually makes me want to read less, which is not good at all! I can understand not wanting to be like other bloggers, too. I try very hard to make sure I’m doing what I want to do with my blog, but sometimes that is difficult. Jealousy is completely natural, and I definitely feel that way about things like that, too. It’s difficult not to! I really do think that it’s great to meet blogger friends that you can be close to. At the moment I only have a couple, but I do hope that will change soon. I would love to talk to you more as well if that’s something that you’re interested in! :] I will leave the link to my TTT down below! :]

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I feel the same way with reading schedules. It’s like when I have to read a book for a blog tour, I sometimes find myself slogging through it because I want to be reading something else.

      I would love to talk more! I’m on Twitter a ton or Gmail chat if you have that (it’s just my main email that is listed in my contact info.) I really just love talking to bloggers and I would love to make some new blogging friends!

  2. Okay, so this is where we differ. I am obsessed with my schedules! I love seeing everything mapped out and all pretty. It just puts a smile on my face 😀

    I don’t want you to be like either bloggers either!

    I feel you on the memes. Every time I see a new one I want to steal it! I mean, I don’t because that’s shady, but I wish terribly that’d I’d come up with myself. Your summer reading challenge is fun though – be proud of that!

    Your TTT graphic is cute! You should be proud of that, too

    Great confessions – here are mine!

    1. I know tons of people who are obsessed with schedules. I tried to be like that for a while but I just found myself straying from what I had planned.

      Memes are so hard to come up with so I know what you mean about stealing one. Neither of us would ever do that though!

      Thanks for the love about my graphic and the summer reading challenge! =)

  3. Aw! I hope some of your fears are put to rest; 5 days a week is a lot for a one-person blog. As I’m finding my priorities shifting, I only visit blogs maybe 2 days a week now. Once or twice a week seems reasonable to me to post content.

    I think a lot of networking takes putting yourself out there, which is scary! I admit, I also have felt jealous of some camaraderie of writers and bloggers online. A few times I’ve put myself out there asking if I can be a part of something going on. It takes a few tries, but I’m finding more opportunities. Sometimes people don’t know you’re interested unless you speak up, and then it’s a matter of timing.

    The Top Ten graphic is super cute! I’m also not great with those. 🙂

    1. I’m finding that 5 days a week is totally doable for some but not most bloggers. I think I’m going to just have to get over that.

      I’m definitely not good at putting myself out there but I think I’m going to have to try more in the future. You are totally right about people not knowing you are interested unless you say something.

      Thanks for the love about my TTT graphic. It’s my first attempt at anything like this so even though it’s basic, I love it. =)

  4. I’ve had the same thoughts about ARCs (that they may be wasted on me). I love having them, but the grand majority of the time I don’t touch a book until it’s close to the release date – but that may also be because I’m terrible at scheduling posts!

    Nice list!

    1. Yeah I know some people are absolutely wonderful at reading books months in advance and having posts scheduled for a few months but that’s just not me. As it is right now, most of my books that don’t come out for a few months are on the back of my shelves waiting until closer to the release date. =P

    1. Aww, thanks. I know it’s simple but I like it. =)

      ARCs are lost on a lot of people these day, I’m finding out. Glad I’m not alone.

      And don’t worry. If blogging ever stops being fun for me, I’m done. Hopefully that day will never come!

  5. I sometimes get jealous when other book bloggers are involved in cool promotions and/or have early access to coveted ARCs as well. The jealousy is a wasted emotion a lot of the time, though, because I purposely avoid reading a lot of ARCs anyway! (I dislike the pressure to read it by a certain deadline. But I still sometimes get jealous. Go figure.) I empathize with your feelings, and am here for you if you ever need to vent!

    1. I feel the same way! I get jealous even though I know I very rarely have time to read ARCs. Such a wasted emotion.

      Thanks for the offer to vent. I may just take you up on that. =P

  6. I try to post 5 days a week, too. Sometimes six. And I also wish I could come up with some kind of amazing meme. But my brain just doesn’t work like that. I get jealous over similar things, too. Rarely do I get jealous about people receiving ARCs, but sometimes I get jealous because it’s a sign that they have a good blog (in my head, of course).

    1. Totally get what you mean about getting ARCs being a sign of a good blog. That’s how I look at things a lot of the time too.

  7. #6 I try to post 5-6 days a week. I do it if I’m able to. I’m slowly growing out of my need to have a new post up everyday. I’m learning that it is okay if I don’t have a post up. No one will leave me because of it.

    #8 I’m with you there. I’ve tried to make my own but they never last very long.

  8. I am horrible with schedules. Horrible. If I have a book to review from an author I try to read those first, then Netgalley, then finally books I bought or borrowed from the Library, but that doesn’t always work out because I want to read what I want to read! I haven’t made up my mind yet about whether or not I get jealous of other blogger/author relationships, because if a favorite author (that I’ve read), or possibly one that I’ve heard a ton about, contacted me I might freak out with nerves and over analyze everything I tried to put in my reply. Sad, but possibly true! But it would definitely be amazing to get to know, or interview one of my favorite authors. I would definitely be to afraid to contact them first! I try to have a post every day, but pretty soon I have to go on a brief hiatus while I go on a short-term mission trip to Romania, but I hope to come back rejuvenated and with a fun meme feature (it’s a work in progress)!

  9. I didn’t want a co-blogger when I started my blog and I continued on doing it all by myself until maybe a year and a half into blogging. It all became too much so my boyfriend started doing reviews for the blog. Then I asked Bianca (who was running a newer blog at the time) to join me and it was the best decision ever. I love having Bianca as a co-blogger because even though I’m a little crazy she has stuck around for almost 3 years now and I know I can trust her and rely on her. I hope you find what you are looking for if you decide to get help!