Blogger Interview: Heather from Turning Pages!

Today I have an interview with Heather from Turning Pages!

Turning Pages

First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

Let’s see…I created Turning Pages in January 2013 after finally taking a leap of faith and doing something I had always dreamed of doing. Reading & writing are two of my biggest passions in life, so to share it with anyone willing to read, really allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone.  Of course, the blog name isn’t the most original, but I was inspired by one of my favorite songs, Turning Pages, by Sleeping at Last. It’s not just me typing up reviews over at TP! My cousin and very best friend, Christie, is the other half. We love taking on this journey together and it’s brought us closer, which is nice since we only see each other a few times a year. (Darn those state lines!) We primarily review YA, with the occasional NA and adult fiction. And every now and then, you’ll see us discussing book to movie adaptations.

What are you like outside of blogging?

Outside of blogging….I am constantly on the go. I am a first-year teacher. I’ve been married for three years. I babysit and tutor on a weekly basis. When I am not working, you can find me reading, watching movies, napping, or cleaning/organizing something.

What made you decide to start your blog?

I think I might have accidentally answered this already, but it was something I had always wanted to do so after stalking a few blogs, I finally took the leap and here I am.

What is your best book blogging moment?

Oh man. I’m not sure if this counts, but being able to meet and bond with other book bloggers at events like YALLFEST and BEA.

What book turned you on to YA?

I would have to say the very first Sarah Dessen book I ever read, That Summer.

How many books do you own?

So many it’s too hard to count without reorganizing my bookshelves, which I am currently avoiding.

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

A few off the top of my head….


-Book of all time
Just Listen – Sarah Dessen

-New release
It came out in May, but it’s the first to come to mind, The Sound by Sarah Alderson

Contemporary YA

-Place to Read
Pretty much anywhere comfortable. I’ll usually curl up on the couch, in my bed, or go lay outside in the hammock.

-TV show
This is just as hard as picking a favorite book! Let’s go with Vampire Diaries as I am currently binge watching all of them. Again. I re-watch every season every summer.

Give me milk chocolate and I am happy.

This changes daily. All of the Stars – Ed Sheeran

You guys can find out more about Heather on her blog or on Twitter!

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