Blogger Interview: Justin from Justin’s Book Blog!

Today I have an interview with Justin from Justin’s Book Blog. Justin is a good friend of mine so I’m really excited to have him here on the blog today!

Justin's Book BLog

First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

Well, I just hit another milestone on my blog with it turning 3 years old this month (August, 2014) so I feel like that is pretty awesome. The main focus of my blog has always been Young Adult books, but I do occasionally feature Middle Grade and New Adult books also.

What are you like outside of blogging?

My life outside of blogging mainly revolves around college, and trying to figure out all of that, at least for right now. Coming up on my last semester before I transfer to a university, I just have a lot on my mind so I really don’t try and overload myself with too many other things that feel like work.

For Fun, I really love to do things outdoors. I love going hiking, and just simple things like that. I’d much rather be doing something fun out in the wilderness somewhere and seeing beautiful landscapes than being at parties, and things like that.

What made you decide to start your blog?

I know people that have followed my blog since I started would probably know this as I have mentioned it a few times. But Katie was the one to originally get me interested in blogging. I started out on “BookTube” back in 2010, when it was nowhere close to being as big as it was now. And through that, I started talking to Katie and she told me about blogging and everything, and through all of that I eventually decided to make the switch in 2011. And now here I am in 2014 still going at it. Definitely wouldn’t have made it this far without a lot of the advice Katie gave me starting out, she knows what she is doing, which is why I imagine so many of you love her blog so much.

What is your best book blogging moment?

I love asking these types of questions in the interviews I do, but I always have trouble answering them. I honestly don’t think I could pick one specific moment. I feel like the most enjoyable thing, at least for me, is being able to work closely with so many great authors. I have had the chance to interview and feature so many amazing authors on my blog, and every time it happens, it is always a lot of fun.

What book turned you on to YA?

I can’t remember if any book in particular ever turned me onto YA. I have never really read anything outside of YA. I will say that my passion for reading exploded when I started reading Harry Potter. Growing up with those books totally changed my life and I am glad they helped to fuel my love for reading that I have today.

How many books do you own?

I honestly don’t own that many, I am pretty sure I own over 200 books, but I don’t think I own more than 300.

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

Book Rock Betty (

Love at First Page (

The Perpetual Page Turner (


-Book of all time

Harry Potter

-New release

Strange and Ever After by Susan Dennard



Place to Read


TV show





I really don’t have a favorite song. I tend to listen to a lot of different things. If I had to pick one that I currently really enjoy, it would be “We are more than this – HeavensDust

You guys can find out more about Justin on his blog, Justin’s Book Blog, or on Twitter!

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