Series: Something Strange and Deadly #2
Published by Harper Teen on July 23, 2013
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 406
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
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Darkness has come to the City of Light...
With her brother dead and her mother on the verge of insanity, Eleanor Fitt is utterly alone. Even the Spirit-Hunters—Joseph, Jie, and the handsome Daniel—have fled to Paris. So when Eleanor begins to hear the vicious barking of hounds and see images of haunting yellow eyes, she fears the worst—that the Dead, and the necromancer Marcus, are coming for her.
To escape and search out the Spirit-Hunters, Eleanor boards a steamer bound for France. There she meets Oliver, a young man who claims to have known her brother. Though friendly, Oliver entices Eleanor with necromancy and black magic, yet as long as she can resist his powerful temptation, she'll be fine. But when she arrives in Paris, she finds that the Dead have taken over the city...and there's a whole new evil lurking. With the body count rising, Eleanor is forced to make a deadly decision that will go against everything the Spirit-Hunters stand for.
In Paris, there's a price for this darkness strange and lovely...and it may have Eleanor paying with her life.
A Darkness Strange and Lovely is a strong sequel to Something Strange and Deadly. It follows the same trajectory of the first book which is to say it’s fast-paced, full of surprises, and surprisingly emotional. It’s exactly what a sequel should be.
A Darkness Strange and Lovely picks up a few months after Something Strange and Deadly ends. Things in Eleanor’s life are rather rough. Her mother took the loss of Elijah harder than expected and now must remain in a mental institution. To pay for her bills, Eleanor has had to sell almost everything they own. When Marcus shows back up in Philadelphia it’s actually kind of a good thing because it forces Eleanor to flee to Paris to meet up with the Spirit-Hunters. And thus the adventure begins anew!
So all the old characters are back but there are some new additions this time around. Both the best and the worst new addition was definitely Oliver. I loved him but I also didn’t trust him at all. He was friendly and witty but also very secretive. Even at the end of the book I knew he had secrets that he had yet to share. I look forward to finding out more about him in Strange and Ever After. It’s really difficult to tell if he’s a good guy or a bad guy. I think the worst thing about Oliver though was what he brought out in Eleanor. I really lost a lot of respect and liking for Eleanor in A Darkness Strange and Lovely. She pushed people away and she blamed everyone but herself for it. She was so consumed by her new powers that she couldn’t see how they were beginning to control her every thought and action. Also, Daniel, Joseph, and Jie could see what was going on and they tried to help but they kind of took the wrong approach. Don’t get me wrong, I liked them all still but I think they could have handled things with Eleanor a little better. Especially Daniel.
The romance was very hot and cold, just like in Something Strange and Deadly. Eleanor and Daniel love each other, that’s pretty obvious from the start but what’s not so obvious is how they are going to make things work between them. They come from very different worlds and while Eleanor is okay with that, Daniel is not. He wants to be worthy of Eleanor and I love him even more for that. He had tons of flaws but in my eyes he was perfect.
The plot fits surprisingly well with the first book. I wasn’t sure how things were going to tie together but they all do in the end. There were a lot of twists that I didn’t see coming and some that I definitely did. However, those little things I was able to guess didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story.
Overall, A Darkness Strange and Lovely is a wonderful sequel that will leave readers eager to check out the third and final book, Strange and Ever After.
What others are saying about A Darkness Strange and Lovely:
The Page Sage’s review: “A Darkness Strange and Lovely met my expectations and then some.”
Romancing the Laser Pistol’s review: “ I think it I liked A Darkness Strange and Lovely because it was full of: hot kisses, zombies and old fashioned Paris balls.”
Stories and Sweeties’ review: “To you give a clear picture of my feelings for this book, I simply say this: every night, in the ridiculously wee hours of the morning, I had to tear myself away and force myself to put this down.”
i love Oliver so much . lovely review btw
Great review! I’m glad to hear that this sequel doesn’t disappoint, I loved the first book SOO much!
That sucks that Eleanor plays the blame game but I’m hoping it won’t get on my nerves to much. This Oliver character actually sounds like a character I would love.lol I can’t wait to read this!