Blog Tour: Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper | Review + Giveaway

Blog Tour: Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper | Review + Giveaway

Blog Tour: Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper | Review + GiveawaySalt & Storm by Kendall Kulper
Published by Little Brown on September 23, 2014
Genres: Historical Fantasy
Pages: 416
Format: ARC
Source: BEA, Publisher
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A sweeping historical romance about a witch who foresees her own murder--and the one boy who can help change her future.

Sixteen-year-old Avery Roe wants only to take her rightful place as the witch of Prince Island, making the charms that keep the island's whalers safe at sea, but her mother has forced her into a magic-free world of proper manners and respectability. When Avery dreams she's to be murdered, she knows time is running out to unlock her magic and save herself.

Avery finds an unexpected ally in a tattooed harpoon boy named Tane--a sailor with magic of his own, who moves Avery in ways she never expected. Becoming a witch might stop her murder and save her island from ruin, but Avery discovers her magic requires a sacrifice she never prepared for.

picadillyblueSalt & Storm, Kendall Kulper’s debut novel, is truly unlike anything I’ve read.  It’s historical fantasy brimming with witches, magic, curses, romance, and mystery.  I couldn’t put it down!

Salt & Storm starts off very slowly.  Don’t let that stop you from continuing with the story though.  The writing is heavy, very reminiscent of other historical fantasy novels.  That’s not to say that it’s not gorgeous though because it definitely is.  I remember the style of writing being pitched as similar to Laini Taylor’s and I definitely saw that comparison from the start.  Kendall Kulper does have a style all her own though that readers will get used to quickly and come to love over the course of the book.

The story itself is fascinating.  I’ve always been a fan of stories about witches and Salt & Storm is going to be added to my list of recommendations when it comes to those types of books.  These aren’t your typical witches though.  The Roe witches each have very distinct abilities.  Avery’s grandma’s magic focuses on emotions, Avery’s mom’s magic also focused on emotions but specifically those of love and affection, and Avery’s own gift was to be able to interpret dreams, although sometimes it seemed more like a curse.  Also, the witches were held in very high esteem on the island.  Sure, people were intimidated by them but they also sought them out for protection and aid.

The romance was very much a slow burn type of romance, my absolute favorite.  There were times at first when I feared it would veer into instalove territory but that was not the case.  It was more that Avery and Tane had an instant attraction as well as a kind of magical pull.  Tane was good for Avery.  He opened her eyes to how sheltered she was and gave her a new way of looking at life.  She really changed as a person as she got closer to Tane and he made her a lot more likable in my eyes.

Overall, Salt & Storm won’t be for everyone, that’s for sure, but I highly recommend it.  It’s a captivating story that may take longer to read than other books but it’s worth it!

What others are saying about Salt & Storm:

Love Is Not A Triangle’s review: “I enjoyed the history in Salt & Storm and the book overall.”

Good Books & Good Wine’s review: “Salt & Storm made me feel heavy and weighted down and I am totally okay with that.”

Maji Bookshelf’s review: “Overall, I wouldn’t recommend this book and I was overall disappointed in everything about it, from the plot, character development, to the romance.”

About the author:

Kendall Kulper writes historical fiction with a fantasy twist for teen readers and knows more about nineteenth century whaling than she ever imagined. Her debut YA novel, SALT & STORM will be published by Little, Brown September 23, 2014. She graduated from Harvard University with a degree in history and literature in 2008 and spent several years as a journalist before deciding to write full-time. She grew up in the wilds of New Jersey and now lives in Boston with her husband and chronically-anxious Australian Shepherd mix, Abby.








2 winners will receive hardcover copies of Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper.  US only!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the blog tour!

Week One:

9/15/2014- Novel Novice– Interview

9/15/2014- The Infinite To-Read Shelf– Review

9/16/2014– All Things Urban Fantasy– Guest Post

9/16/2014– No BS Book Reviews– Review

9/17/2014– Such a Novel Idea– Interview

9/17/2014– Katie’s Book Blog– Review

9/18/2014– IceyBooks– Interview

9/18/2014– Reading YA Rocks– Excerpt

9/19/2014– Wishful Endings– Guest Post

9/19/2014– Casual Readers– Review


Week Two:

9/22/2014– Supernatural Snark Interview

9/22/2014– About to Read– Review

9/23/2014– The Cover Contessa– Guest Post

9/23/2014– Imaginary Reads Review

9/24/2014– Fire and Ice– Guest Post

9/24/2014– Once Upon a Twilight– Review

9/25/2014– Tales of the Ravenous Reader– Interview

9/25/2014– The Best Books Ever– Review

9/26/2014– Two Chicks on Books– Guest Post

9/26/2014– Tynga’s Reviews– Review

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  1. Great review! It makes me want to read this book even more! I’ve been reading several novels involving witches lately and they all have been surprisingly good; I think I’m ready for another one.

  2. I have an ARC of this so I’ll leave the giveaway for others, but I’m moving it up on the to-read list. I have about 30% left in my current book (thank you, Kindle) and then I will read this one. I could use a good romance.

  3. I’m so excited for this book! I don’t read much fantasy, but I do have a soft spot for witches and history (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, anyone?), so this book sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the review – I know you said this book won’t be for everyone, but I think it will work for me. 🙂

  4. I checked this book out awhile back, and had the option to preorder…but I was out of money and could only pick one book, so I went with the Heir of Fire. /sobs. BUT I really wanted this book and it’s on my list of TBR, so I definitely would love to get my hands on it!