Blogger Interview: Adelena from A Page of Heaven

Today I have an interview with Adelena from A Page of Heaven!

A Page of Heaven

First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

A Page of Heaven is based in Singapore (this teensy Southeast Asian country-city), run by a group of 3 seventeen-year-old girls in love with books, and we mainly review YA novels but have recently been thinking about venturing into Middle Grade and New Adult too! I’ve got 2 co-reviewers, Bernice and JZ, on board with me and they are the greatest because despite reading vastly different books (Bernice loves fluffy novels, JZ prefers mystery, and I’m a complete sci-fi/dystopian/fantasy fanatic), we can still find common things to fangirl over (what better way to bond than to fangirl over something?).

What are some of your favorite things to do? (Other than blogging and reading, of course!)

Whoa. I feel that by taking away blogging and reading, you’ve just eclipsed a large chunk of my life. That totally doesn’t make me sound like a complete homebody. *awkward laughter* Well, I have recently picked up writing (stories) again and other than that, I’m addicted to movies (I see them as shorter, visual books), and… does fangirling count as a favorite thing to do? I will let you guys in on one rather embarrassing hobby though (since I doubt anyone I know in real life is going to see this), I like to daydream about unconventional but adorable ways people can meet the love of their life.

What made you decide to start your blog?

Firstly, because the non-bookish people around me were starting to get a little tired of my going on and on about the books I’ve been reading. Secondly (I’m not proud of this one but I’ll be honest), I discovered ARCs early in 2013 and the thought of reading books before they were published seemed like such an honor to me. Since I also found out it was mostly book bloggers that got them…yeah, it spurred me to start a blog too. Thankfully, I learned the joys of blogging that doesn’t include ARCs so despite barely getting any physical ARCs now (#internationalbloggerprobs), I’m not unhappy in the least. In fact, sometimes when I’ve got no ARC in need of reviewing, it feels pretty liberating. I’m sorry if I’m getting a little off topic!

What is your best book blogging moment?

It was after participating in the Spring 2014 Fierce Reads Street Team while also being a part of the Of Neptune blog tour. I had thought as an international blogger, I would not be receiving the little thank-you package Macmillan had sent out to participating bloggers but was fine with it as I’ve always wanted to be part of a Fierce Reads blog tour (I’m sort of in love with how stunningly they market their books) and was happy with the experience alone. However, one fine Saturday afternoon, the postman came and dropped off a huge package addressed to me. Lo and behold, they were signed books from the Spring 2014 Fierce Reads collection! Those had been the very first signed books I’ve ever owned! Prior to that, I’ve always felt as if no one even reads A Page of Heaven. I know it’s irrational but don’t we all have our odd blogger insecurities? Anyway, as my mom isn’t supportive of me blogging while schooling and loves to claim that no one bothers to read unprofessional online reviews, that was the moment I truly felt my blog was legitimate and something meaningful. Plus, it was nice to have physical evidence that the work I put into blogging does bear fruit!

What book turned you on to YA?

I had been eleven going on twelve. Christmastime. A random guy selling books on a street in Shanghai. The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot. It was an impulse buy on mommy dearest’s part as she thought I was too bored while visiting her in Shanghai over the school holidays. I’ve been addicted to YA ever since.

How many books do you own?

At the moment, about 70 but like practically every other booknerd, one day I hope to have my own personal library!

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

  1. City of Books—Run by a friend of mine, Richa, she does some amazing reviews on both YA & NA and if you’re a fan of JLA, you simply must check this blog out!
  2. Revenge of the Feels—Run by another friend of mine, Victoria. She’s just started reviewing (YA, NA, and some adult and erotica) so if you’re interested in the same genres she is, do drop by!
  3. Gypsy Reviews—I would visit Charlotte’s blog for the design alone. Bee-yoo-ti-ful! Plus, I love her discussion posts, they are always informative and interesting.
  4. Novel Sounds—Elena, who runs this blog, seem to be in every book fandom I’m in and all her posts are 100% fun. Love gorgeous bookish wallpapers and playlists? This one’s for you.

If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Not one for classics, I’m going with alive and it’ll most likely be Sarah J. Maas because she created Celaena Sardothien, who’s like a fictional blonde and badass me. I love the Throne of Glass series so much it hurts so it’ll be amazing to get to chat a little with the mastermind behind it all! However, meeting any of Leigh Bardugo, Marissa Meyer, Marie Lu, or Cassandra Clare would be awesome too!


-Book of all time

This is like picking my favorite child and I’m sure I’m not the first one who has said this. I’m a rebel; I shall pick 5 anyway (this is already extremely painful). In no particular order:
1. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
2. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (I have a feeling Heir of Fire would replace this soon)
3. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
4. Champion by Marie Lu
5. Scarlet/Cress by Marissa Meyer (so that’s 6 but I couldn’t decide between those 2)

-New release

I shall assume that’s something published in the last 2 months so I won’t need to spend too much time picking. Definitely On the Fence by Kasie West, I think I overdosed on swoon and cuteness. Click here for my review!


Fantasy, baby!  Though sci-fi is a close second.

-Place to Read

On public transport (maybe a slight preference to buses as they have comfier seats than the MRT—aka the subway here in Singapore). I always read on my 1.5 hour long journey to and from school so it just kind of stuck. Now I suck at reading at home.

-TV show

Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Legend of Korra, Sherlock, and maybe Game of Thrones.


Gummy anything! Just not those with sugar on their surface, please!


Love Story and All Too Well by Taylor Swift. I’ve been a Swiftie since 2008 and I’m not ashamed of it!

You can find out more about Adelena and her blog by following her on Twitter and checking out A Page of Heaven!

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