Blogger Interview: Leah from Uncorked Thoughts

Today I have an interview with Leah from Uncorked Thoughts!

Uncorked Thoughts

First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

Hi! My blog is Uncorked Thoughts and it’s been up and running for over 2 years now. I can’t believe I’ve stuck at it for so long. First time for everything! I review a bit of everything. When I started I was primarily focused on paranormal romance e.g. Kelley Armstrong and the like, but since then I’ve started reading and reviewing YA again and venturing into Contemporary fiction – something I never thought I’d do! In fact, Uncorked Thoughts is dominated by YA really.

What are some of your favorite things to do? (Other than blogging and reading, of course!)

Ha, make it tricky :P. I really enjoy the gym and kettlebells. It’s something I’ve only been doing for the last year at the most but really loving it. Other than that I love to be out and about on various mini adventures like trips to London and the like. I live in a little Welsh valley so that IS an adventure to me haha.  I like archery, drawing, photography and playing around on Photoshop too.

What made you decide to start your blog?

I got to my third year at university and really wanted to get into publishing in some way, so as a way of getting information on the business and chatting with people IN the business I started up my blog. It’s been amazing and I wouldn’t have gotten my internship or work experience without my blog. That and I really wanted to talk about books with likeminded people. A lot of my offline friends don’t get as fanatic about books as we do!

What is your best book blogging moment?

Getting an internship at Angry Robot Books and work experience at Orion. Seriously. Absolutely amazing. It makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

What book turned you on to YA?

I think it was Maggie Stiefvater. I first read The Scorpio Races, didn’t really get on with it but then The Raven Boys came into my life. It blew me away and since then I haven’t really looked back!

How many books do you own?

Erm. I have no idea. Like 300+?

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

SO MANY! Ula @ Blog of Erised, Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows, Vicky @ Books, Biscuits and Tea, Celine @ Irresponsible Cactus, Faith @ Geeky Zoo Girl, Ellie @ Curiosity Killed the Bookworm … I could go on and on!

If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

This is a huge toss-up between J. K. Rowling and George Orwell. Rowling doesn’t need a reason. She is the whole reason I’m as fascinated by literature as I am. I did my MA thesis on the Potter books. I’d love the chance to just sit and chat with her. Pick her brains.

Orwell would be absolutely fascinating to talk to. Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of my all time favourite books. I’d love to see what he would make of the world now. I mean, if he wrote that book now, what would he predict about the future?


-New release

The Jewel by Amy Ewing. If you haven’t read it GO READ IT!


Can I just say YA as a whole? If not I’m going to pick Contemporary for this current moment in time, but I go through fazes. Ask me in a week and it’ll b something else.

-Place to Read

My sofa at home. I love to turn the TV off and just curl up for a few hours with a book.

-TV show

Currently: Game of Thrones. Of all time? Toss-up between Friends and One Tree Hill.


There’s this sweet shop in London that sells Chocolate Orange Popping Candy. It’s incredible!


Again, this varies. At the moment it’s Fully Alive by Flyleaf!

You can find out more about Leah and her blog by following her on Twitter or checking out Uncorked Thoughts!

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