Blogger Interview: Iris from IrisjeXx

Today I have an interview with Iris from IrisjeXx!


First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

A little over a year ago, I decided to start my own blog IrisjeXx. It started out as a personal/travel blog; a means to tell my family about everything I was up too when I was away travelling. However, when I got home I wouldn’t really have anything to write about anymore. I didn’t really like that, and I started finding things to write about for when I was home. I ended up writing a post about Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen; one of my favorite novels. This turned out to be the first of many, and shortly after I changed my blog into the blog everyone knows today: IrisjeXx. Currently it’s just me. I’ve been contemplating a co-reviewer, but haven’t really figured it out yet. I mainly review YA. Occasionally there is some Adult Fiction, and some Classics.

What are some of your favorite things to do? (Other than blogging and reading, of course!)

I love to run. I had to quit for a little while when I had some health problems, however, I am starting up again. Besides running I love a good movie or tv-show. Hanging out with friends. Quality time with my family.

What made you decide to start your blog?

Whoops, I might have already said something about this two questions early. In short: I wanted something to write about, something I was passionate about, and this ended up being about books. I said before that when I originally started my blog, it was more a personal/travel type of blog. But I wasn’t as active in blogging, didn’t call myself a blogger, until I decided to transform my blog into a book blog.

What is your best book blogging moment?

My best book blogging moment. There are lots of little moments that make blogging fun. When somebody comments on your review, and tells you that your review made them want to read that particular book. Or when you make new friends, and they tell you that your blog is the internet page they check every day. Or the blogging community, and making friends for life within that community. It’s all these little things that make blogging so much fun, and there are so many of those moments that I couldn’t really pick just one.

What book turned you on to YA?

When I was younger I read a lot of YA. I then had a little period that I didn’t anymore; I read a lot less overall, and I think I started reading YA again after I’d read ‘The Hunger Games’.

How many books do you own?

Whew… I really don’t hope you want me to count them! I just moved out, and most of my books are still at my parents’ house, so I couldn’t count them even if I wanted to. But to give you some sort of idea: I have 24 book cases –I think –and they are filled to the brink with books (no kidding, there’s stacks beside them).

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

There’s too many to name, but if I’d just name the ones that immediately pop up in my head it’ll be: Perpetual Page Turner, Notebook Sisters, Stay Bookish, The Daily Prophecy, Snuggly Oranges, and The Nomadic Book Hoarder. These are the blogs that I have been visiting for a pretty long time now and I genuinely love to read their posts!

If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Okay, this is a though one. I’m going with the two authors that immediately popped up in my head. J.K. Rowling –for obvious reasons –especially since her books basically ARE my childhood. And then Jane Austen. I love her novels, and she was a brilliant writer!


-Book of all time Harry Potter (I’m totally cheating and going with the series as a whole here).

-New release Heir of Fire, Falling Into Place

-Genre Young Adult

-Place to Read On the couch –or bed, the where is optional –with a steaming cup of tea and a blanket to curl up underneath

-TV show Game of Thrones, Sherlock Holmes, The Blacklist, Outlander (the list is endless; I watch too much tv)

-Candy Chocolate!

-Song I’m a huge fan of ‘older’ music and while I don’t think I have just one favorite song, I certainly love “I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen”

You can find out more about Iris and her blog on Twitter or over on IrisjeXx!

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