Blogger Interview: Jessica from Stuck in Books


Today I have a super special Halloween themed blogger interview with Jessica from Stuck in Books!



What is your favorite Halloween memory?

Oh, goodness. I’m not sure. Maybe one year when I went to my friend Chelsea’s Halloween party. That was loads of fun, and then afterward I stayed later at her house with some of her other friends and we watched Nightmare on Elm Street. It was just a fun situation. There’s probably a better memory I can’t think of right now, but that’s the best I’ve got at this moment. I’ll be sure to facepalm later, no worries.


What is your favorite Halloween candy?

I have two answers for this. First, there’s Reese’s. Peanut butter cups all the way. Plus, those are all over the place. When trick-or-treating, it’s always easy to assume you’ll get a bunch of those. But the candy that I cross my fingers every year hoping to sweet baby goodness I get AT LEAST one of is Take 5. Those are so hit or miss. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten more than one of those in a year, but I love them so much.


What is your favorite scary book? (does not have to be horror, just creeped you out)

Ohhh. Hmm. The first one that pops into my head is The Ghost and Mrs. Hobbs by Cynthia DeFelice. I’m fairly certain that book wouldn’t scare me now, but I remember reading that book when I was in elementary school and being so freaked out by the ghost starting the fire. Like, I’d be reading it late at night, and the heater in my house would kick on, and I’d pretty much have a heart attack.


Do you watch horror movies?  If so, do you have a favorite?  (My personal favorite is The Grudge! That movie cracks me up.)

YESYESYES! I LOVE horror movies! The Grudge is a fun one. I always get that one mixed up with The Ring, though, because of creepy girls with dark hair. Creeeeepy. As for my favorite horror movie…that is such a difficult question. I’m a huge fan of The Blair Witch Project, because that whole entire thing is so fascinating. I know it’s not real, but the way they built the marketing around that to make it SEEM so real and genuine is amazing. And then the actual filming and making of the movie is so cool. I’ve done tons of research on that one. HA. But I also have a soft spot for the original Nightmare on Elm Street, and I love the Halloween movies, too. They’re so darn festive.


Do you have any fall traditions? (Mine is definitely carving a pumpkin with my family and my brother usually carves something supremely inappropriate.)

I have a feeling my brother would be the exact same way. Ha 🙂 I can’t think of any fall traditions we do. My mom goes crazy over pumpkin spice everything. I get all excited about horror movies. We usually make it a point to sit down and watch the Halloween movies at some time.


What is the best Halloween costume you have ever seen?

Ohmygosh. One year, we were trick-or-treating over near my cousins’ house, because they did it on beggar’s night, so we’d get two days of candy that way. We were out doin’ our thing, and then this one dude started following us with a chainsaw, dressed up at the Texas Chainsaw Massacre dude. Completely terrifying, but also so amazing as a costume. And obviously effective. Ha!

Make sure to follow Jess over on Stuck in Books and on Twitter!

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