Blogger Interview: Ri from Hiver et Cafe

Today I have an interview with Ri from Hiver et Cafe!

Hiver Et Cafe

First up, tell us a little about your blog! What do you review, do you have any co-reviewers, etc.

Hey! So my blog is called Hiver et Café, which is named after two of my great loves (other than books): Winter and coffee. I read and review mainly YA, though there are sometimes smidgens of New Adult or Adult novels. I read a variety of genres though I have a preference for fantasy and paranormal.

What are some of your favorite things to do? (Other than blogging and reading, of course!)

Other than blogging or reading, I love to travel when I have the opportunity to do so. I’m a HUGE crime show buff. I watch so many crime shows it’s ridiculous. I’m very into nail polish too. I have a ridiculous collection that needs culling (though I probably won’t end up getting rid of any.)

What made you decide to start your blog?

I discovered that there were giveaways on Goodreads and so I entered a couple of them. At this time, I also discovered book blogs on the internet. And so when I won a paperback copy of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE, I thought, “I have to write a review anyways, why don’t I start a blog?”. That was pretty much the moment of conception for my blog. 🙂

What is your best book blogging moment?

My best book blogging moment is right now! I’ve made some really cool friends through book blogging and we’re doing some joint projects right now, so I’m super duper excited for those!

What book turned you on to YA?

I don’t really know if there was a book that specifically turned me on to YA. I basically grew up reading . As I grew out of MG, I started picking up YA books. I think the most defining one is probably when I read The Hunger Games when I was maybe 11 or 12?

How many books do you own?
I actually counted when I did a whole reorganization of my bookshelf and catalogued my collection. I own about 376 physical books. It’s around that number because I haven’t updated my excel file with all of my books yet. Haha!

What are some blogs you recommend reading?

I love reading my friend, Genissa’s Story Diary blog. She basically breaks down the book into the different places, characters and the defining things that are mentioned in the book. I also love reading Dana and Rachel’s blogs. They’re co bloggers on each other’s blogs over at Danasquare and A Perfection Called Books.

If you could meet any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Sarah J. Maas. It’s probably my life goal to meet her. I absolutely ADORE the Throne of Glass series. She’s been on tour for Heir of Fire and I’ve been hearing nothing but fabulous things about how funny and sweet she is. Hopefully she comes to Toronto some day or maybe I’ll be in the States during a time she’s in the vicinity? Hopefully. Hopefully.

-Book of all time: HARD QUESTION. Harry Potter or the Throne of Glass series.
-New release: RED RISING. for sure. I finished this recently and oh man is it good.
-Genre: Fantasy. I’m an escapist, what can I say. 😉
-Place to Read: in the car. I can’t sit still when I read in bed.
-TV show: Seriously? Um. Orphan Black.
-Candy: Almond Roca. (Soooo good)
-Song: Right now, it’s probably Iggy Azalea’s Work.

Want to find out more about Ri?  You can find her over at Hiver Et Cafe or on Twitter!

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