This or That with Meredith from Pandora’s Books | Birthday Bash



Today I have Meredith from Pandora’s Books on the blog with a Halloween themed This or That list!

Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown?

Ouch, this is a tough question!!! Can I cheat and say both?!? Because I really don’t think I could pick between the two! They’re two of my favorite childhood Halloween movies and I could watch them over and over and over and never get bored! The only thing that puts Halloweentown slightly ahead of Hocus Pocus is that there are three movies (I don’t count the fourth one.. Sara Paxton was NOT Marnie! Kimberly J. Brown FTW!!) to watch, so you really never get bored and can watch just one of them or binge them all! 🙂

Caramel Apples or Candy Corn?

I’m actually not a huge fan of either. I’m a chocoholic! But since I really can’t stand caramel, I’ll go with Candy Corn!

hauntedHaunted Houses or Hay Rides?

Haunted Houses, no contest! I looooove Haunted Houses! Hay Rides can be boring.. I mean, they TRY to spook you, but it can’t beat a good haunted house!

Trick or treating or handing out candy?

Trick or Treating!! Duh!! Why GIVE AWAY candy when you can GET candy?!? Yum!

Simple or elaborate costumes?

I always went for simple – I actually did homemade costumes a lot. I went as a ballerina until I was 10-years-old because – for some odd reason – I had a pink leotard, handed down to me from a cousin or something. I also went as Pokémon trainer one year.. That meant strapping Beanie Babies to a baseball hat and shoulders and carrying around a backpack. Yeah, I was cool, wasn’t I? Haha. HOWEVER… I admire people who can put together elaborate costumes! I’ve always wanted to do that and one of these years, I will!

Zombies or vampires?

Is this even a question? Vampires, forever and always! I’ve loved vampires since I was eight-years-old and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I keep hoping vampires will make a comeback in YA!

Orange or black?

Black! Black is creepier and makes it easier to hide and scare people! Haha

Pumpkin carving or bobbing for apples?

Bobbing for apples! Totally hilarious and fun. I’m awful at pumpkin carving…. Though I do love pumpkin cheesecake! Mmm, yum!

Horror movies or ghost stories?

Horror movies! I’m a huge horror movie fan. I like some of the classic 90’s horror movies, like Scream (and its sequels… though Scream 3 was pretty bad and my least favorite) and I Know What You Did Last Summer (plus its sequel). Ghost stories are fun but horror movies are one of my favorite things. I’m excited for October to get here because it means places like Walmart and Target will have horror movies on sale! Also, ABC Family’s Thirteen Nights of Halloween!

Make sure to check out Meredith’s blog and find her on Twitter.

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  1. What a fun idea! I would have to agree with you on most of these. However, I would pick handing out candy. I love seeing the different costumes kids dress up in and I get to eat all the leftover candy! 🙂 I would also rather carve pumpkins than bob for apples. Just a big thing we did when we were kids. Lots of good memories! Happy Halloween.