An Update on Where I’ve Been Lately

Hey guys!

As you may have noticed, posts around here have been scarce lately.  I’m in college right now and the semester has been crazy.  I’ve barely had time to read anything outside of required reading for classes and what I have been able to read I haven’t had the chance to review yet.  I’m sorry for the lack of posts but please just bear with me for the next 3 weeks and then I will be back.

So, what have you been reading lately?  Any suggestions for me to read and review over winter break?

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  1. I hear ya! I’ve been pretty scarce at my blog as well. I’ve been out of school for a little over a year already, but with just getting married last month, and now the holidays, its been crazy around here!

  2. I have recently stumbled upon your blog so I am not 100% on your personal taste in books, but I highly recommend Vision of Darkness by Tonya Burrows. I just finished reading it! It releases December 1st!

  3. Check out Throne of Glass 😀 It was a pretty fun read for me and hopefully, for you as well 😀

    Good luck on your studies!