Etsy Obsessions #10 | AlohomoraDesign

I’m pretty sure the name of the shop is enough to have me obsessed with it but it’s also got amazing tote bags.  I can guarantee I don’t need another tote bag but I can also guarantee that I will eventually own a few of these.

Click the image to be taken to the shop page.

Harry Potter Tote Bag - Snape - Turn to Page Three Hundred and Ninety-Four

If you can read this tote bag without imagining Alan Rickman’s voice, I don’t think we can be friends.

Outlander Tote Bag - Take me home to Lallybroch - Claire and Jamie Fraser - Diana Gabaldon

I love Outlander and while I love all the Outlander totes that this shop has, I think this might be my favorite.

Game of Thrones Tote Bag - Jon Snow - You Know Nothing Jon Snow

I’m still not over where things ended with this season of Game of Thrones.  I’m not okay, you guys.  However, I still want this tote.  I think it would help me feel better about things.  Well, probably not but I want it anyway!

Harry Potter Tote Bag - When in Doubt, Go to the Library - Hermione Granger

Clearly this shop has quite a few Harry Potter totes and while I love the first one, I also love this one.  It’s fitting since pretty much all my tote bags hold books!

What do you guys think?  Are you as in love as I am?  Have you ever ordered anything from AlohomoraDesign? Which tote would you pick?

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  1. Thank you for featuring my shop! I love to meet others who love these totes as much as I do. Gotta represent your fandom 🙂

    Please use the code THANKYOUSOMUCH at checkout to receive 20% off.