2015 Holiday Gift Guide | Debuts


I’m here to talk debut novels today.  Maybe you have a friend who loves The Lunar Chronicles but they just finished Winter and don’t know what to do with themselves now.  Maybe you have a friend who hasn’t been impressed with their favorite author’s newest release.  Or maybe you just have a friend who wants to see what is up and coming in the world of young adult authors.  Who cares what the excuse if it means you can gift them a book from a brand new author for their shelves?

Red Queen

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You know how I mentioned above that the Lunar Chronicles has ended?  This would be the perfect book to gift to a friend after finishing that series.  I’m not saying they are alike, I’m just saying they are enjoyable in a similar way.  It also doesn’t hurt that the sequel to this one will be out early next year so if you do gift this to a friend they don’t have a super long torturous wait for the next book.

All the Bright Places

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I’m cheating a little bit here since Jennifer Niven is not technically a debut author but this is her young adult debut so I think it counts.  Do you have a friend that loves to torture themselves by reading a book that they know is going to make them cry but they read it anyway? (I’m that friend.)  This book is for them.  It’s so gorgeously written and it will break you and put you together and break you all over again.  I mean, your friend.  It will break them.  And who doesn’t want to do that to a friend every now and then?

Simon vs

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Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda is the book for your friend that wants something with a bit of mystery but is mainly just extremely fun.  This is that book.  It will leave you with a smile on your face and it may even induce some cheering while you read.  Maybe even some fist pumps (only once, I swear!).  It’s also the perfect book for a friend who says they don’t have a ton of time to read because it’s super quick and they won’t be able to put it down once they start.


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So you know how I said Red Queen was good for someone going through Lunar Chronicles withdrawal?  The Sin Eater’s Daughter is good for someone going through Shatter Me withdrawal.  Sure this one is more fantasy whereas Shatter Me is dystopian but the concepts are similar and the main characters share some similarities.  It also helps that Melinda Salisbury’s debut is just plain good.

I admit that I didn’t get to read nearly as many debuts as I wanted to this year (I plan on changing that for 2016) but I did read some pretty awesome ones that I couldn’t help recommending.

Are any of these on your Christmas wishlist?  Do you see yourself gifting any of these to friends?

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