2015 Holiday Gift Guide | Pillows


Pillows are my latest obsession and it seems like the rest of the world shares that obsession.  I don’t know about you guys but I can always find somewhere to put a new pillow, be it a reading chair, on my dresser, or on the pile already covering my bed.  I wouldn’t be upset if a few new throw pillows ended up under my Christmas tree and there are a couple that I’m hoping to get for friends.

so many booksprofessional

Bookworm Boutique has a ton of designs that look amazing on pillows.  A lot of them are simple (like the one pictured) but I like that because it can go with pretty much any decor.  You may not know exactly what your friend might like but with something as simple as this, you can’t really go wrong.

You can purchase this pillow on Society6 in Bookworm Boutique’s shop!

library cat

How many of you have friends that adore both books and cats?  I know I do and this pillow would be the perfect gift for them.  It’s adorable and I love the print because it’s not too busy.  I think the colors go great together and this would look so cute on a favorite reading chair.

You can purchase this pillow on Society6 in Heleen Van Buul’s shop!

booknerd alert

This is another one of those more simple designs that can really be used anywhere.  I love the font and the polka dots add just a touch of whimsy.

You can purchase this pillow on Society6 in Alice in Wonderbookland’s shop!


I admit, I added this one just because I really want it.  I have an obsession with foxes right now and I would love to have this pillow in my reading room.  And hey, maybe you have a friend who loves foxes just as much as me and if so, you should probably get them this pillow.

You can purchase this pillow on Society6 in EvieSeo’s shop!

I could post for days about pillows but I’ll stop now.  Whether your friends like simplicity or color, I’m sure you can find something for them in the shops I mentioned.

What do you guys think of these pillows?  Would you use any of them in your house?
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  1. Oh my gosh, I am absolutely crazy about all of these. Honestly, I’m the only major bookworm I know, so reading all your holiday gift guide posts basically just made me want to go shopping for myself! I’ll have to come back to all of these posts whenever I have some spare cash. I adore throw pillows, so I am drooling over here.