2015 Holiday Gift Guide | Subscription Boxes


Who else has noticed the rise of the subscription boxes this year? I seriously cannot even begin to list all the subscription boxes available now but I do want to recommend a few that I have either received or followed for a while now.


I figured I should start with the box that I actually get each month and that’s Fandom of the Month Club.  This is not your typical book box seeing as you don’t actually get a book and it’s not always a book fandom that’s featured.  I think that’s one of the things I love about this box.  Included in this box are 3-4 items of jewelry inspired by whatever fandom has been chosen for that month.  Also included is a custom bag that all the jewelry fits in.  I have to admit that I may be in this more for the bags than anything.

You can subscribe to Fandom of the Month Club for $13 a month plus shipping and they do ship internationally.  I think this would make an adorable gift but keep in mind that payment is automatically withdrawn each month until you cancel.


Next on my list of recommendations would have to be Uppercase Box.  I received one of these a couple months ago and I was so impressed, not only with the book chosen but all of the extra items too.  If I had a job right now I would definitely be subscribed to this box.  The wonderful person behind Uppercase Box is actually a fellow book blogger so needless to say, she knows what she is doing.  Not only that, Uppercase has a couple different subscription options so depending on the book lover in your life, you can choose to gift them just the book box or maybe the box that includes all the fun items too.

You can subscribe to Uppercase Box for $17, $23, or $29 a month and they do have the option to gift a box.


Oh Owlcrate, how I wish I could afford you.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the price of the box, it’s the fact that I have no money that I am lamenting right now.  Owlcrate is a lot like Uppercase Box seeing as you receive a hand selected book as well as some fun bookish items.  While I have never actually received one of Owlcrate’s boxes, I’ve followed enough people who have to see how awesome they are.  Just look at the picture above of their October box.  How perfect is that?

You can subscribe to Owlcrate for $29.99 a month and they have the option to gift a box.

bookish box

The Bookish Box is a bit like Fandom of the Month Club since you don’t actually receive a book.  Instead you receive one bookish t-shirt and 3-5 household items picked to go along with the shirt.  I have been following Appraising Pages for so long and so I have seen the epicness that is included in The Bookish Box.  I think any book lover can appreciate this box, especially if you don’t want to actually take the chance of getting them a book that they might already have.

You can subscribe to The Bookish Box for $29.99 a month and you can give it as a gift.

I’ve been really impressed with what I have seen from these bookish subscription boxes and I hope there is someone in your life who might gift one to you or who you might feel inclined to gift one to.

Do you already subscribe to any of these?  Which would you want most for Christmas?

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  1. Aaahhhh I love all of these! I cannot afford it though… specially because international shipping rates are higher than the box itself!

    Once I start working in a few years I will consider subscribing though (if they still offer them)

  2. Ughh, I am way too in love with subscription boxes. I didn’t even know until very recently that they made bookish ones. I don’t really have a whole lot of book lovers in my life to gift one of these to (and no monies), but I only knew about OwlCrate, so I loved learning about all of these! Thanks for the post!

  3. I would totally subscribe to one but shipping to Canada is too expensive… it is almost the cost of the box itself. I think for me either Owlcrate or Uppercase I would subscribe to.. a new book subscription box known as illuminate (I think? something like that), is SO cute. They only do it every four months though but man i would want that too. Great list Katie!

    – Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf