Where the heck I’ve been…

I’m gonna start off by saying that I know I have been absent lately or at least been posting very sporadically.  I keep making plans to schedule a ton of reviews or other posts and then I never do.  I have to admit, I don’t exactly know what I’m doing right now as far as the blog goes.  This has been a weird year for me and the blog had to take a backseat to everything else.   January 2016 will be 7 years for me and while I don’t want to quit blogging, I think I need to figure out a different direction.

It’s not that I don’t love blogging anymore because I do.  It also has nothing to do with reading.  I’ve been reading a ton and loving a lot of books.  I want to share those books with everyone, I just don’t know how anymore.  I haven’t written a review in ages and I’m not exactly proud of the ones I have written.  Not only that, it’s gotten extremely tough for me to write a review.  I just don’t know what I want to say and I don’t know how to get started.  I’ve gotta get my groove back and it’s gonna take some time and experimentation to do that.

I hope you guys understand that it’s not you, it’s me.  I’m still posting a lot on Twitter and I’ve been attempting to utilize my Instagram more so if you want to see what I’m reading or what I’m up to, make sure to follow me on those accounts (@katiesbookblog for both).  I really hope to find my blogging mojo again soon and I love all of you guys for sticking with me through this.

Oh and happy holidays!


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  1. Take time and figure it out! I have changed my review format twice this year, and I really like where I’ve ended up. That might be something you want to look at. I feel like I’m not having to think and agonize about what I’m going to write, and how I’m going to go about it. It’s pretty simple and I like it. Take some time to relax!

  2. I understand what you mean because I’ve myself started finding it more and more tedious to write reviews. So much in fact, that I’ve stopped writing them altogether. I talk about the books I’ve been enjoying in different types of posts, like book tags or favorite lists. Book recommendation posts also work to talk about the books you’ve been loving. The reviews I do write I publish on Goodreads instead of my blog.