7 Years| Why I Love The Blogging Community


Guys, I’m about to get personal so if you don’t like that, you’ve been warned.

I started Katie’s Book Blog 7 years ago.  I was a senior in high school at the time.  I was just as nerdy back then as I am today but I didn’t accept that part of me.  I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere and I had some people in my life who only made that worse.  I was severely bullied my last year of high school by people I had called my friends for the previous 2 years.  They didn’t like that I was graduating a year early and they thought I thought too highly of myself because I was smart enough to do that.  It didn’t matter that I had to graduate early to move across the country with my family.  They knew everything about me, my strengthsm my weaknesses, and all my insecurities.  One of my biggest insecurities was what people would think of me if they knew how nerdy I really was.  They did everything they could to make me ashamed of my love of literature and knowledge and my smarts.  I missed so much school because I was afraid to face them.  I went home in tears so many times.  I missed a lot and those girls succeeded in pushing me even further into my shell.  However, Katie’s Book Blog got started because of that shell.  I was afraid to share my love of books with people in my life so I decided to share it with strangers on the internet.  It was a pretty great idea, if I do say so myself.

So here we are, 7 years later, and my life is so different.  I literally wear my love of books on my sleeve (I have a Harry Potter tattoo on my wrist.)  I couldn’t be more proud of all the reading I do and the love I have for authors and publishers and fellow readers.  I keep my business cards handy for anyone who might need some book recommendations.  I wouldn’t say I’m extroverted or anything that drastic but I’m not afraid of people anymore.  I’m not afraid to be myself anymore.  All of these things are because of the people I’ve met through my blog.

Nobody in this community looks at my like I’m weird.  Nobody tries to make me feel bad for my intelligence.  Nobody tries to tell me what is cool and what is not.  Nobody judges me if I love a book and don’t want to shut up about it.

Everybody encourages me and lifts me up.  Everybody tries to put a smile on my face if I’m having a bad day (no matter how crappy their own day might be.)  Everybody makes me feel welcome and loved and that was not something I ever thought I’d find.

This community is my home.  It’s where I can be who I’ve always been and always wanted to be.  It’s where I can grow and learn and not be afraid and I love you guys for that.  Thank you for 7 years of acceptance and here’s to many more.

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  1. Wow, congratulations on 7 years! That is such an accomplishment. I’ve followed your blog for maybe 5 years now? You’re definitely one of my all-time favorite bloggers, and you’re one to thank for giving me the inspiration to start my own blog! Another big CONGRATS and THANK YOU! To many more wonderful years! 🙂

  2. Wow! 7 years! That is amazing.
    I love that the bookish community has had such a positive impact on your life. I too love that there is this little place were I can nerd out and no one makes you feel ashamed of it. I too had some not so friendly people in my life and like you blogging has brought me out of my shell and helped me to find a group of people who like me and my love of books!
    I must admit I am pretty new to your blog having found you through TTT, but I’m loving a lot of the books on your review list and will definitely be taking some recommendations from you.
    Here’s to the next 7 years of blogging!
    Hannah @ Broc’s Bookcase

  3. Firstly congratulations on seven years 🙂 I’m so glad life got better for you, and I love the fact you got a Harry Potter tattoo and are proud of your uniqueness as you should be. I’ve only just started reading your blog and feel the need to send hugs to you from England 🙂 *HUGS*

  4. Katie,
    I am so proud of you for finding your niche and for speaking out on your bullying experience. That could not have been an easy time. You are brave to seek out the things you love and literature will carry you. it’s okay to ‘be the nerd’ – your tribe, your people – they will find you.

  5. Congrats on 7 years! I’m sorry to hear that this all started because of bullying, but I am glad that you are around. I followed your blog before I started blogging! You are a wonderful presence in the community and I hope you stick around for a long time!

  6. Katie!! Happy 7 years! I’m so happy to have gone on this blogging journey with you. You’re one of my first blogging friends and I’m so glad we got to know each other. Congrats on so much success and happiness in blogging, and I’m so glad you found a community that will lift you up instead of tear you down. Here’s to many more years!

  7. Happy seven years!!

    I can’t believe those high school people.. How can they be so petty?

    I’m so glad you were able to find a home here in this community. 🙂 It’s been so lovely knowing you and meeting you in person!

  8. Oh my goodness, this post almost had me in tears! I totally understand everything you said, and I’m so happy to have found you and call you a friend whether its to rave about a book or eat Chipotle 😉 I love that I found people who love books as much as I do, and I’ll never forget how much of an influence you and your blog were and are to me. Happy 7 years and heres to many more years!

  9. Katieee! Congrats and Happy 7th Blogoversary! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. It shows that we should never try to hide who we are because there are always people out there who will accept us. I’m so glad you were able to make it past the bullying. I love your blog. And bookish people are totally cool, no matter what anybody says :)!

  10. What a beautiful post. I’m so glad you have found a loving and like-minded community here (like-minded in that we all LOVE books!). Congrats on your blogoversary. 🙂

  11. This is such a beautiful post, thanks for sharing Katie. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to have friends turn on you, but you have better friends in us bloggers now 😀 You’re not weird at all, you’re brilliant, sweet, funny, and about 100 other amazing things. *squeeze hugs* You should be so proud of all that you’ve accomplished, this blog is definitely one of my favorites (as are you <3)

  12. I am legit tearing up as I’m reading this! I am so sorry people made you feel bad for being smart- which I’m sure you know now says much more about their insecurities and fears than it says anything about you.

    I started blogging in 2009, at a time when I had just moved to a new state and left my friends behind. I had The Hubs and my family, but I was so lonely. Discovering the world of book blogging changed that- suddenly I had friends that not only loved books, but loved reading as much, if not more, than me! It encouraged me to start a book club, where I made my real life besties, and eventually got me out of my house to attend bookish events where I got to meet some of my blogging besties in person.

    I’m so, so thankful you found your place in this world, Katie- because being smart and bookish is kick-ass!