Blog Tour: Q&A with Famine aka Sebastian from Riders by Veronica Rossi

Blog Tour: Q&A with Famine aka Sebastian from Riders by Veronica Rossi

I was lucky enough to borrow an ARC of Riders a few months ago and I’ve been dying to tell you guys about it ever since.  When I was asked to participate in the blog tour, I jumped at the chance.  I’m so excited to have an Q&A with Famine aka Sebastian.


A few questions for Sebastian, aka Famine, of RIDERS

What’s your favorite thing about being a horseman in RIDERS?

All of it. Daryn, the guys, the horses, the travel. It’s awesome. All of it.

What’s your least favorite thing?

I don’t even know. The thought that someday it might end?

What’s one thing that’s surprised you about being Famine?

The gear, for sure. I have the coolest clothes. They’re sick. Really high-quality.

Give us a little insight into your tastes. What was the last song you listened to? Last thing that made you laugh?

The last song I listened to was actually one I played and sang myself. I did a cover of Ed Sheeran’s Shirtsleeves. Love that song. I do a pretty good acoustic version of it. And what made me laugh was Gideon trying to sing the lyrics. He’s so bad. So tone-deaf. It killed me. If llamas could sing, that’s what it sounded like. I cried, it was so funny. He really gave it his all, though. You have to admire that.


VERONICA ROSSI is a New York Times bestselling author of fiction for young adults. She completed undergraduate studies at UCLA and then went on to study fine art at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons. When not writing, she enjoys reading, painting, and counting down the minutes until she can get back to making up stories about imaginary people.


Make sure to check out my review of Riders which will be up a little later this week.  And you don’t want to miss the other Q&A’s so check out Eater of Books and Good Choice Reading for those!

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