Fandom of the Month Club March | Marvel

I’ve been subscribed to Fandom of the Month club for quite some time now.  It was the first subscription box I subscribed to and the one I’ve stuck with the longest.  March was an exciting month for me because the theme was Marvel.  You may not know this about me but I’m a huge Marvel fan (I have a Captain America tattoo!) so I had high hopes for this month’s box.  Sadly, I was quite let down with everything included.

Loki Magnet

The first thing I saw when I opened the box was the magnet.  Each month an exclusive magnet is included that goes along with the theme.  This month’s magnet featured Loki and I was so excited to see it.  I do love the magnet and will be adding it to the rest of my collection.

Fandom bag

Next up was the bag that all the jewelry came in.  Once again, I was pretty happy with it.  It features Nick Fury’s eye patch and the quote “I still believe in heroes.”  Good quality and it looks awesome.


Then came the first piece of jewelry which I was not impressed with.  The bracelet this month was a cuff bracelet made up of spiderwebs and featuring a Spider Man charm.  It could have been pretty cute except the Spider Man charm just kinda hangs there and is only attached at the top so it dangles from the front when you try and wear it.  I also fear that if I do actually wear it, the charm might not stay attached since it’s not secured very well.


Next came some extremely gaudy Captain America earrings.  I’m a huge Captain America fan but these are too gaudy even for me.  I’m always happy to show my love for Cap but these are just too out there.  Maybe I’d wear them for a fan convention or something like that but that’s about it.


This next piece I actually really do like.  I’m a big fan of rings and I always love when Fandom of the Month includes one in their box.  This month’s is probably the best I’ve ever gotten.  Thor’s hammer is featured on a rather large ring (it sits comfortably at the base of my finger and goes all the way up to my knuckle).  While it does make bending my finger a little difficult at times, it’s worth it.

Tony ARC

Last was a necklace with Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor featured as the charm.  Apparently it glows in the dark?  Don’t know why and don’t really care about glow in the dark jewelry.  I wouldn’t mind this one except it’s not very well made and the arc reactor isn’t actually centered to the backing.  I’m a little OCD so that annoys me about it although I’ll probably still wear it at least once or twice.


Overall, I’m not going to cancel my subscription because of this box because there were still a couple things that I did enjoy and will get some use out of.  I’m hoping my faith will be redeemed with the April box and we’ll see how I feel about my subscription after that.

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