Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on May 3rd 2016
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 519
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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Andie had it all planned out.
When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.
Important internship? Check.
Amazing friends? Check.
Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks).But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.
Because here’s the thing—if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected.And where’s the fun in that?
It’s been a while since I’ve read a Morgan Matson book (I know, I fail at life) and I’d forgotten how much I loved her writing, her characters, and the way she writes romance. The Unexpected Everything was just what I was looking for in a summer contemporary novel. I can’t help but smile just thinking about this book!
- The characters: This one is a little odd for me because some of the characters are on my pro and con list. Take Andie, for instance. I mostly loved her but she had some moments where I could not stand her. I’ll get to that part later though. For most of the book, I loved Andie. I think the best part about her was the development she went through over the course of the novel. She was almost a completely different person by the end of The Unexpected Everything and I think a lot of that had to do with her friends, her family, and Clark. It just goes to show how the people around you help shape who you are. Speaking of the people around her, I adored her friends and Clark. Her friends were all really well-rounded and they were all so different but they just worked together. I never had issues telling them apart because their personalities were so well developed. As for Clark, he might be my dream guy. He’s totally shy and nerdy and a little awkward and just so dang cute.
- Family: Family plays a huge role in The Unexpected Everything and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it at first because Andie and her dad had a very weird relationship. I didn’t like how her dad all of a sudden cared so much about what she was doing when he never had before. He was a total absentee parent and then he decided to take a really active role in Andie’s life and came off a little overbearing at first. However, once Andie and her dad hashed some things out between the two of them their relationship changed a lot and definitely for the better. There were some absolutely adorable moments between them (the scavenger hunt!)
- Friends: Andie and her friends were extremely close. I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that showcases a friendship like theirs. These girls interacted with each other daily. They told each other almost everything and they had these rituals (like talking about love lives at the diner) and their friendship was seriously adorable. They had issues (boy did they ever) but they were pretty much always there for each other. Friendship goals right here guys!
- Romance: I’m just going to gush here. Clark and Andie were so adorable. They had probably one of the most awkward first dates ever but I knew that couldn’t be the end for them. Bertie (the dog that Clark is dog sitting) brings them back together and things really took off from there. They didn’t have a picture perfect relationship and that is what I loved so much about them. They had issues and they disagreed on things and they didn’t have to spend every waking moment together. They were so real and neither of them was perfect.
- The characters: Like I said, a couple of the characters fit on both my pros and cons list. Andie was one of them. She was so uptight at first. She was so unwilling to accept changes and she kept everything bottled up. So many things could have been solved so easily if she was just willing to say something about it. Her relationship with her dad was one of those things. She was never willing to tell him how she felt about her mom’s death or their relationship without her and it finally just all bubbled over and she couldn’t keep it inside anymore. She was closed off and just unwilling to let people in and it really bothered me. But like I said earlier, she developed a lot throughout the book and by the end of it, I really did like her. One character that I still didn’t really like at the end of the book was her friend Toby. I’m not going to spoil anything but Toby did some really crappy things and she was so selfish. She only ever thought about herself and she made that very clear. Also, I think I may have liked her even less by the end of the book. She was a minor issue for me though.
Overall, The Unexpected Everything is another stunner from Morgan Matson. I couldn’t read it fast enough and I never wanted it to end (and that’s saying something for a 500+ page book!) If you’re looking for the perfect summer read, this is it!
Really helpful review on a book that I also really enjoyed!
I really can’t wait to read this!! And I know what you mean about characters, sometimes they end up on my mental pros/cons list too. But overall this sounds really wonderful and I’m glad the romance is cute!
Ah I so badly want to read this! I love contemporary books so hoping I enjoy this one! 🙂
Great review. I love the way you format them! I’m currently listening to this one via audiobook.
I’m so excited to read this one! Morgan Matson really let me down with Since You’ve Been Gone so fingers crossed she earns her way back into my favorite author list with The Unexpected Everything. Glad you enjoyed it!
Such a helpful review! I love Morgan Matson and will have to pick this one up soon!
I really liked the theme of family in this book. It’s actually my favorite thing about it – the dynamics between Andie and her father – but the characters, also, were pretty pleasant. I loved the Scavenger Hunt scene! Great review 🙂
I just bought this yesterday. I only read my first Morgan Matson last month and I loved her writing so really looking forward to this. Plus, dogs!
I’ve only read one other Matson book, but it seems like friendships are her specialty. I remember being inseparable from my best friend in high school, so those strong friendships really appeal to me!
A friend of mine has been raving about this book. I’m excited to read it soon. 🙂
New post on Anne’s Scribbles and Doodles
Great review. I’ve been thinking of picking this up. I think I will now. Many thanks!