Published by Aw Teen on May 1st 2016
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 256
Format: Paperback
Source: Bought
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For sixteen-year-old Jillian McKay, the threat of Hurricane Danielle means a long car ride with her neighbors including River Daughtry, the former star quarterback of Harrison High. The guy who was headed to glory until suddenly he disappeared to a West Texas juvenile detention center. Once cocky and flirtatious, he's now silent and angry. When their evacuation route is gridlocked, River is the first to recognize the danger they're in. Together he and Jillian set out to seek shelter in their abandoned high school. As they wait out the storm, they confront the past and realize survival is about more than just staying alive it's about fighting for yourself."
Oh how I wanted to love Hurricane Kiss. I don’t know what it was about this book but I was really drawn to it (despite the embarrassing cover). I figured this would be a quick, fun read with some good secrets and romance. It was quick but that was about all I got right about this one.
- Pacing: Let’s be real here; the only good thing about Hurricane Kiss was that it didn’t take long to read. It was slow to start but once I got about 40 pages in, things took off. It’s pretty clear from the summary what you’re getting into as far as the hurricane and the survival part of the story. I will admit that I was so not impressed with the time spent in the car trying to get out of Houston but once River and Jillian took off on their own, things really started to move. Survival stories always intrigue me while also creeping me out. Hurricane Kiss definitely did both of those things. I have to say that that is probably one of the main reasons I didn’t just give up on this one. I wanted to see what would happen to River and Jillian and everyone else in their lives. If nothing else, the story is very captivating.
- Characters: I felt nothing for River or Jillian. Jillian was judgmental and very closed off. River was tortured and messed up and every other thought in his head was about how bad he was for everyone around him. Put them together and they were not any better. And don’t get me started on their parents. Jillian’s mom would rather stay behind to report than take her kids to safety. Sure she sends them off with someone else so they aren’t trapped in Houston with her but I could not believe that any mom would do that. As for River’s dad, he didn’t even like his son. He wasn’t willing to listen to him and he just believed what everyone else had to say about him. Then he let him run off (literally, run off) in the middle of an evacuation. He didn’t try to stop him or go after him. What kind of dad does that? So yeah, while I disliked both Jillian and River, I disliked their parents even more.
- Romance: Can you say insta-love that is totally based on looks alone? Maybe there was more to it than that but all it seemed these two ever thought about was how attractive the other was. I couldn’t see any other good reason they might be interested in each other. They had nothing in common (except for the single parent thing) and to make matters worse, Jillian had a boyfriend! Yeah, she didn’t feel much for him but that doesn’t mean she should just go for another guy without breaking up with him.
- Story: There were two parts of the story that I just couldn’t get behind. One: I don’t think Jillian and River would have survived the storm. They holed up in their high school and they weren’t prepared at all. They stayed in rooms with windows (isn’t that a big no-no during tornadoes and hurricanes), they had almost no food, and they kept going out into the storm for completely stupid reasons. Oh and when the roof would collapse or windows would shatter, instead of just leaving it alone, they would go to check it out. That makes a lot of sense. The second part was River’s story about what happened to land him in juvie and his time in juvie. His dad is ex-military. I find it hard to believe that he just took the schools word for his sons actions and didn’t fight him getting sent to juvie. Then there were the stories about what happened at juvie. I know I have never spent any time in a juvenile detention facility but it seems like beating them, drugging them senseless, and feeding them food crawling with worms would be frowned upon and easily discovered. What do I know though?
Overall, Hurricane Kiss is not something I’d recommend reading. I could go on and on about this book but I’m going to stop here. I’m just really happy it was a quick read and I didn’t waste too much time with this one.
Overall reaction:
What others are saying about Hurricane Kiss:
A Belle’s Tales’ review: “I really enjoyed Hurricane Kiss; it was a fast read, and the writing and characters were captivating.”
The Reader and the Chef’s review: “All in all, I believe Hurricane Kiss will attract readers in search of books inspired by events as real as natural disasters, brooding hot guys with a dark past, personal obstacles, light romance, and revelations until the very end of the book.”
Oh wow, this sounds like a hot mess. Thanks for the heads up.