Things Are Changing Around Here

Hey!  Look who it is!  Yeah, I know, I suck as a blogger.  You would think that with it being summer, I would have plenty of time to read and you’d be right.  I have been reading.  I just haven’t been blogging.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve actually been reading more than ever before.  I lowered my Goodreads goal this year because I just didn’t think I would be able to read more than 100 books.  I’m now at 80 books which puts me 20 books ahead of schedule.  Deciding to back off from the blog and social media has done wonders for my reading time.  It has also done wonders for my happiness.  Blogging is stressful work.  It used to be a bunch of fun and I’d come home from work and look forward to just working on the blog.  That stopped being the case a while ago.  I kept thinking about coming back to blogging and I’d start to work on a post and just give up.  It held no appeal to me.  I mean, it has been almost 8 years.  I figured I’d get tired of it way before now.

However, that’s not to say that I’m done.  I’ve spent a lot of time lately just thinking about life and my priorities.  I spent so much time this summer focusing on other people and I finally decided it’s time to just do what I want.  That means I’ll be blogging again but it probably won’t be like it was before.  I’m not going back to review all the books I read while I was taking a little blogging break.  I will probably mention them around here or on Twitter or Goodreads but that is way too much work and I’m not about that right now.  I want to bring the fun back to my blog.  I really miss the way blogging used to be for me and it’s time I got that joy back in my life.

So that’s it.  I will see you guys around here and on Twitter and probably even on Instagram though I admit that I’m pretty lazy with that one.  I’ve missed blogging and I really look forward to jumping back in and seeing where things go!

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  1. Welcome back. It’s your blog, so write as often as you want and the posts that you want. I’m just getting back into blogging again too. I’m just writing here and here when I have time while caring for my new baby. I totally get needing a break. 🙂

  2. Welcome back!! I had to lower my Goodreads Reading Goal too, it was at 100 but I went down to 80 so that I was right on schedule. I totally agree that blogging is stressful. I haven’t posted as consistently this month as I have other months. I haven’t been at it as long as 8 years, but every now and then I feel a little burnt out. Glad to see you’re coming back, the community missed you!

  3. Hey Katie,

    I’m glad to see that you’re not completely giving up on blogging but I totally get the need for a blogging break every now and again. I follow you here and on Twitter (though I’m not on Twitter nearly as much as I used to be) so I’ll still be able to keep up with what you’ve got going on (and what books you’re reading).

    Happy reading!!

  4. I’m a blogger as well. Not a book blogger but I love to read them. I Blog and I write ( for myself ) I have a story in my head I try to get out parts of every week and I Blog every week but I am also a very big reader and would rather be outside reading than inside on the computer so I understand what you’re saying! A break is always needed to recharge.