ARC August 2018

Somehow, August is here.  I don’t know where the rest of the year went but here we are again.  This is my first year joining in for Read.Sleep.Repeat’s ARC August.  If you haven’t heard of this event, it’s a month long challenge for bloggers to read ARCs and e-ARCs that have been sitting on their shelves (or e-readers) for who knows how long.  This year there will also be a couple read-a-thons as well as a Bookish Bingo challenge.  I plan on using this month to mostly tackle my physical ARCs from ALA (midwinter and annual) but I do have a couple e-ARCs on the maybe TBR.

Are you participating in ARC August?  What ARCs do you hope to read throughout the month?  Are there any books on my TBR that you would recommend?

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  1. So many ARC’S so little time. I feel like I need to take a break from my day job just to finish all the ARCs.

    Good luck with your shelf!