Waiting on…Wicked Saints

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature created by Jill at Breaking the Spine.  It’s a chance to spread the word about new and exciting books that we can’t wait to read.

This week I’m waiting on…

Wicked Saints
by Emily A. Duncan

Hitting shelves June 1, 2019

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Something dark and holy…

Why I’m waiting on Wicked Saints:

It might seem weird to pick a book that doesn’t even have a synopsis yet.  Normally, I wouldn’t.  However, I have already been hearing some serious buzz about this book and it’s all been so complimentary.  I’ve heard the words dark and gritty thrown around quite a bit and also, snark.  You can bet I’ll be reading this one as soon as physically possible.

What book are you dying to get your hands on this week?

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