Series: Hot & Hammered #1
Published by Avon on June 11, 2019
Genres: Romance
Pages: 400
Format: Paperback
Source: Bought
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After an injury ends Travis Ford’s major league baseball career, he returns home to start over. He just wants to hammer out his frustrations at his new construction gig and forget all about his glory days. But he can’t even walk through town without someone recapping his greatest hits. Or making a joke about his… bat. And then there’s Georgie, his buddy’s little sister, who is definitely not a kid anymore.
Georgette Castle has crushed on her older brother’s best friend for years. The grumpy, bear of a man working for her family’s house flipping business is a far cry from the charming sports star she used to know. But a moody scowl doesn’t scare her and Georgie’s determined to show Travis he’s more than a pretty face and a batting average, even if it means putting her feelings aside to be “just friends.”
Travis wants to brood in peace. But the girl he used to tease is now a funny, full-of-life woman who makes him feel whole again. And he wants her. So damn bad. Except Georgie’s off limits and he knows he can’t give her what she deserves. But she’s becoming the air he breathes and Travis can’t stay away, no matter how hard he tries...
my thoughts:
I’ve been shying away from straight romance novels for a little while. I burned myself out reading too many of them and found myself really starting to dislike them. This past weekend, I found myself really wanting to read something cute and fun though. Fix Her Up seemed like the perfect choice and I’m happy to say that it definitely was.
Part of the reason I found myself losing interest in the romance genre was the dialogue in some of the books I’d read. I don’t know about you guys but none of the men I know talk like the men in the contemporary romances that are popular on shelves today. I could not make myself push through another romance with some man spewing cheesy dialogue. That’s why I loved Fix Her Up so much. While Travis and Georgie had some serious chemistry (and some seriously adorable moments), I never found their conversations to be anything but realistic. Some of the dirty talk was a little much at times but I can honestly say that I have very few complaints about the dialogue and the overall authenticity of the story.
I absolutely adored Georgie and her quirks. She was a little out there but she was aware of that and she embraced it. She was confident in who she was, no matter how other people treated her. It was the other people that really got on my nerves though. Everyone in her family treated her like she was less than them, mostly just because of her career choice. Yes, a clown for children’s parties is not the career I would choose but Georgie loved it and it was her dream. She supported herself with her career and yet her family and friends couldn’t just let her be happy with that. It was so hard for me because I both loved and hated her family. They could be so great at times and so terrible at others. It was the same with Travis. He could be such an ass! The only redeeming thing is that he truly didn’t seem to do it on purpose. It definitely didn’t make it okay though.
The plot was a little predictable but enjoyable all the same. There was enough going on most of the time to keep me intrigued and it does a good job of introducing the characters and story that will be featured in the next book.
Overall, Fix Her Up is one of the better romance novels I’ve read in recent years. If you’re looking for a quick read that will put a smile on your face, this may just be the one for you. I will be on the lookout for more from Tessa Bailey!
“We’re not about cutting people out of our lives. We’re about refusing to accept anything less than what we deserve. About realizing that we’re all important here despite mistakes or bad relationships or lackluster careers.”
-Tessa Bailey, Fix Her Up
what others are saying about Fix Her Up:
Star-Crossed Book Blog’s review: “This book is NOT cutesy and fluffy and tame. This book is emotional, and filthy, and addicting.”
Love in Panels’ review: “Fix Her Up is a funny, surprisingly steamy romance between a literal clown (she does birthday parties) and her brother’s best friend.”
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What are some of your favorite, not too cheesy, romance novels? Have you read Fix Her Up? Do you have any plans to check it out?