Today I am so pleased to be part of the blog tour for Soho Teen’s first YA book, What We Saw At Night by Jacquelyn Mitchard. Check out my character […]

Today I am so pleased to be part of the blog tour for Soho Teen’s first YA book, What We Saw At Night by Jacquelyn Mitchard. Check out my character […]
Title: Summerset Abbey (Summerset Abbey #1)Author: T.J. BrownRelease date: January 15, 2013Publisher: Gallery BooksPages: 288Source: NetgalleyReading level: Adult (YA appeal) Reminiscent of Downton Abbey, this first novel in a new […]
Life was different in the Before: before vampires began devouring humans in a swarm across America; before the surviving young people were rounded up and quarantined. These days, we know […]
Today I have the awesome Victoria Strauss, author of Passion Blue (out now from Amazon Childrens Publishing), here for an interview. Stick around for a giveaway as well! Describe your […]
Today, as part of the blog tour for This Is Not A Drill, I have an interview with the lovely author, Beck McDowell! What made you decide to write a […]
Looking for a previous author interview? Here they are! A-Swati AvasthiCarrie Arcos B-Lauren Baratz-LogstedJennifer BanashT.J. Brown C-Susane ColasantiLeah CypessEmily Casey D-Kimberly DertingAlexandra DiazSarah Beth Durst E- F-Becca Fitzpatrick G-Vicki Grove […]
Today I have the amazing debut author, Carrie Arcos, on the blog for an interview! Carrie Arcos’ debut novel, Out Of Reach, will be out from Simon & Schuster on […]
Today I have the awesome Lish McBride on the blog for an interview as part of the Necromancing The Stone blog tour! Lish is the author of Necromancing The […]
Today I am lucky enough to have an interview with the awesome Sarah Beth Durst. Sarah Beth Durst is the author of many young adult novels including the upcoming Vessel […]
Today I am super excited to be interviewing one of my favorite characters from The Dark Unwinding, Lane! First off, tell us a little more about yourself! Describe yourself in […]