Blog Tour: Character Interview with Lane from The Dark Unwinding + Giveaway!

Today I am super excited to be interviewing one of my favorite characters from The Dark Unwinding, Lane!

The Dark Unwinding blog tour banner

First off, tell us a little more about yourself! Describe yourself in three sentences or less!

That’s easy enough. I’m aussi silencieux que la tombe de Napoléon, or “as quiet as Napoleon’s grave,” that’s what my dad always said. He was a fool about Napoleon, but he was right about me, I guess. Other than that, I do what needs done.

What was your first impression of Katharine Tulman?

I didn’t like her. I thought she was just like the rest of her relations, come to take away Mr. Tully and everything else with him. But now I reckon there’s more to her than that. She puts me in mind of a little bird, one’s that’s always been kept on the end of a string. Makes me wonder what she would do if somebody came along and cut her loose.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I make things sometimes. Out of silver. Whatever comes into my head. I’ve been melting down candlesticks from the big house to do it, but you don’t have to say anything about that to Katharine…I mean, to Miss Tulman.

What made you decide to stick around Stranwyne?

Not sure I ever decided that. Mr. Tully needs me, and I’ll never go while he does. And I couldn’t go while Kath…I mean, Miss Tulman, is here. I mean, until this thing with her aunt and the estate is settled and all. That’s all I’m saying. It’s nothing to do with…. Never mind.

Do you see yourself ever leaving Stranwyne? If so, where would you go?

Someday, maybe. If Mr. Tully could do for himself, and Aunt Bit and Davy were taken care of, and if there was nobody else here to… Well, I’d go abroad, I think, or maybe to the sea. So far out you couldn’t see the land. Or to Paris, where my dad comes from. I might like to see Paris.

Have any strange things ever happened around you at Stranwyne?

I reckon most people would say that everything is strange at Stranwyne, even the winds. So when you think that way, the question is more like, “what’s ever happened to you at Stranwyne that wasn’t strange?” But it’s home to me. And I’d always want it, to come back to.

Thanks so much to Sharon and Lane for answering my questions!  
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Sharon Cameron author photo

Sharon Cameron was awarded the 2009 Sue Alexander Most Promising New Work Award by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators for her debut novel, The Dark Unwinding. When not writing Sharon can be found thumbing dusty tomes, shooting her longbow, or indulging in her lifelong search for secret passages

You can also find Sharon many places on the web:

Oh and don’t forget to check out the rest of the blog tour!  You can find the schedule here!

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  1. I love it when there are interviews with the characters as an extra, whatever, whenever. It’s always so cool and helps you to get to know them even more 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! I can’t wait to read this book, I’m waiting on my library to get it to me 😀 Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

  2. Oooo! She speaks French? That’s awesome. Besides English, and learning Spanish in school, I can’t speak any other languages. I love the place Stranwyne – the “y” makes it seem so cool.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Great character interview! This book sounds awesome and Lane is so sweet – love how he wants to see her set free, to be herself:)

    Thank you:)

  4. Ooops – didn’t mean to delete that!

    “Makes me wonder what she would do if somebody came along and cut her loose.” Is that a pair of shears I see in your back pocket, Lane? Great interview with a great character!

  5. Lane was a great character, but what I loved the most was Uncle Tully. I think he has mild autism and he’s brilliant and I think it’s perfect the author wrote a character like that, almost an “issue” character, in a historical 🙂 Never say that before!!

    Lovely interview 🙂