Mia The Magnificent by Eileen Boggess

Book: Mia The Magnificent by Eileen Boggess

Release date: January 4, 2010
Publisher: Bancroft Press
From: Publisher
After one summer at the Little Tykes Theatre, Mia Fullerton is meek no more, but that doesn t make her life any easier not in her sophomore year at St. Hilary’s, when her best friend Lisa forces her into a dangerously big part in The Music Man. Not when her ex-boyfriend, Tim, is teaching her little brother Chris to treat women like objects. And not when she learns to drive with serious repercussions. Who is Mia? Is she an independent girl like Zoe, her acerbic goth friend from Little Tykes? She d like to be that s why she’s volunteering to be onstage for the first time, in a show populated by her first ex and childhood crush Jake, her arch-nemesis Cassie, and new girl in town Alyssa. Thats why it’s so important she overcome the bizarre driving instruction of St. Hilary’s janitor Mr. Corrigan to earn her driver s license, and therefore her freedom. Or is she the girl who misses Tim, even after the way he betrayed her? Tim is smart, funny, and likeable in a distinctly obnoxious way, and he s determined to win Mia back even if he has a funny way of doing so, dating both Cassie and Alyssa at the same time, behind both their backs. Can Mia forgive Tim? Should she instead choose Eric, Zoe’s cousin, a nicer and more respectful choice in every way? Or would either choice defeat her goals of independence? And when the worst-case scenarios rear their heads when Mia is forced into the lead in The Music Man, when her first night out on the road goes horribly, when Chris appears headed entirely to the dark side does Mia on her own have what it takes to set things right?
Mia The Magnificent is not a book you judge by it’s cover. When I first saw it, I assumed it was a middle grade book and that Mia was younger. It’s actually a YA book and Mia is a sophomore in high school. Not only that, she is one of the funniest characters I have ever read about and Mia The Magnificent is a super cute book!
Mia Fullerton is finally taking charge of her life. After her summer working at the Little Tykes Theater she is a new person. Her sophomore year is going to be The Year. She is going to try out for the school musical, get her drivers license, and move on from Tim. She has it all mapped out but even the best laid plans can be changed.
Mia was one of the best main characters I have ever read about. She was so easy to relate to and she was such a normal person. She had her strengths and her weaknesses. She was cute and funny. I found myself laughing out loud at so many parts of the book. Her banter with Tim and the conversations in the drivers ed car were some of my favorite things. I haven’t laughed that hard at a book in a while.
The plot of the story was pretty good. Mia had so many things going on but it was definitely an honest account of high school life. She was so brave trying out for the play. I never could have done that. Her drivers ed class was also pretty realistic. It took me back to my drivers ed days, something I never want to look back on. The whole story was just so true and the characters were all people I wouldn’t mind reading more about.
Overall, Mia The Magnificent is a great book that I really recommend for high schoolers. It’s the third in a series but I had no problems starting with this book. I hope there are more Mia books in the future. If so, they will definitely be added to my to-read list! =]
Writing: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Plot: 8/10
Ending: 9/10
Originality: 9/10
Cover: 8/10=B-
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