Title: Fade OutAuthor: Nova Ren SumaRelease date: September 17, 2009Publisher: Simon PulsePages: 272Source: BookstoreReading level: MG If this were a movie, you’d open to the first page of this book […]

Title: Fade OutAuthor: Nova Ren SumaRelease date: September 17, 2009Publisher: Simon PulsePages: 272Source: BookstoreReading level: MG If this were a movie, you’d open to the first page of this book […]
Title: The Planet ThievesAuthor: Dan KrokosRelease date: May 21, 2013Publisher: StarscapePages: 256Source: PublisherReading level: MG Two weeks ago, thirteen-year-old Mason Stark and seventeen of his fellow cadets from the Academy […]
Title: House of Secrets (House of Secrets #1)Author: Chris Columbus & Ned VizziniRelease date: April 23, 2013Publisher: Balzer & BrayPages: 496Source: ALAReading level: MG The Walker kids had it all: […]
Title: The Wide-Awake Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #1)Author: E.D. BakerRelease date: May 11, 2010Publisher: BloomsburyPages: 261Source: PublisherReading level: MG In this new stand-alone fairy tale, Princess Annie is the younger sister […]
Title: The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your KingdomAuthor: Christopher HealyRelease date: May 1, 2012Publisher: Walden Pond PressPages: 419Source: Publisher Enter a world where everything, even our classic fairy tales, is […]
Book: This Is Me From Now On by Barbara Dee Release date: April 27, 2010 Number of pages: 240 Publisher: Aladdin From: Author Summary: Unique tween girl characters populate this […]
Book: Mia The Magnificent by Eileen Boggess Release date: January 4, 2010 Publisher: Bancroft Press From: Publisher Summary: After one summer at the Little Tykes Theatre, Mia Fullerton is meek […]
Book: I Am A Genius Of Unspeakable Evil and I Want To Be Your Class President by Josh Lieb Rating: 4 Stars Release date: October 15, 2009 from Razorbill From: […]