Labor Day Weekend Read-A-Thon!

I know this is super short notice but I decided that this weekend would be the perfect time to do a read-a-thon.  I have never hosted one before so I’m not quite sure what I am doing.  Bear with me.  =)

This read-a-thon will go from 12:01 AM on September 3 to 11:59 PM on September 5!

What is a Readathon?

A Readathon is where you set a goal for yourself to read more books that is beyond your average number of books you read. There is no minimum, it’s all up to you! Push yourself to get some of those books read that have been sitting on your shelves for awhile! You can read any type of book you choose!

(Definition taken from Angela at Reading Angel!)

How to participate:
Fill out the form (if you know for sure that you are going to participate) and link your blog in the linky that will be posted on the kick-off post on Friday!  Once you fill out the form you will be entered into all the giveaways that I host this weekend!

What you get:
I will be hosting giveaways throughout the weekend and you will also get some books off your shelves! Isn’t that what really matters?

So to recap, fill out the form, get together what books you want to read, and on Friday night I will post the kick-off post where you can link to your own read-a-thon kick off posts.  =)

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  1. I was reading the post and thought “that definition looks so familiar….” LOL!!!!!

    I would totally join in but that’s the weekend of my baby boys birthday party so I will be super busy!! Read lots for me 🙂

  2. Just signed up! I’ve been wanting to do another read-a-thon badly!

    I will hopefully be able to read lots all weekend unless something comes up.

  3. I’ll be honest. This will be my first read-a-thon and it looks like it will be loads of fun. I don’t have all that many books I am behind on reading, but more like actually reviewing. A big stack of those xD I look forward to it Katie!

  4. This weekend will probably be pretty busy…but I am a read-a-thon addict so of course I am going to join! I’ll just have to squeeeze time in to read whenever and where ever I can 🙂

  5. I am definitely in. I’m a readathon addict.

    I have just one question. Is it time zone specific or do we just start reading whenever it hit 12:01am on Sept 3rd where we are?



  6. This sounds like fun! This will be my first read-a-thon. I really want to take care of my TBR pile so this is the perfect occasion. 😀

  7. Love the contests Angela used to run on Reading Angel, with blog followers competing against each other 🙂