Tomorrow is the start of the Fairy Tale Read-a-Thon hosted by Debz Bookshelf. I’ve been slacking on some of my fairy tale reads so I’m really hoping this read-a-thon will […]

Tomorrow is the start of the Fairy Tale Read-a-Thon hosted by Debz Bookshelf. I’ve been slacking on some of my fairy tale reads so I’m really hoping this read-a-thon will […]
Yesterday was the final day of the back to school read-a-thon and I hope everyone got some reading done. I know I did. I didn’t quite reach my goal but […]
This is where I will be posting all my progress throughout the read-a-thon. Add your own posts to the linky below so everyone can see how you are doing! Day […]
Tomorrow is the start of the back to school read-a-thon and since this is my last chance to get a lot of reading in before school I’ve piled on the […]
The ALA read-a-thon is now over and I actually did okay. I set my goal as 7 books and while I only managed to read 6, I’m happy. I […]
Today is the start of the ALA Summer Read-A-Thon. I have been slacking with my ALA books so I’m super excited to be participating in this read-a-thon. Haven’t signed up […]
It’s almost that time again: time to go back to school! I don’t know about you guys but I am dreading what this is going to do to my reading […]
I’m a little late in the game but I just signed up for the Bout Of Books read-a-thon and I am so excited! I’m really hoping this helps me get […]
So I started the readathon on Thursday and I have been doing a lot of reading. -Read Gone by Michael Grant -Finished Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma -Read Shade by […]
Today was day one of the Wrapping Up 2011 Readathon hosted by Remarkable Reads. I do have quite a few things going on these last few days of 2011 but […]