Blog Tour: The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy + Giveaway!

book cover of The Hero's Guide To Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy

Title: The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom
Author: Christopher Healy
Release date: May 1, 2012
Publisher: Walden Pond Press
Pages: 419
Source: Publisher

Enter a world where everything, even our classic fairy tales, is not at all what it seems.

Prince Liam. Prince Frederic. Prince Duncan. Prince Gustav. You’ve never head of them, have you? These are the princes who saved Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, and Rapunzel, respectively, and yet, thanks to those lousy bards who wrote the tales, you likely know them only as “Prince Charming.” But all of this is about to change…

Rejected by their princesses and cast out of their castles, Liam, Frederic, Duncan, and Guztav stumble upon an evil plot that could endanger each of their kingdoms. Now it’s up to them to triumph over their various shortcomings, take on trolls, bandits, dragons, witches, and other associated terrors to become the heroes no one ever thought they could be.

The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom is the perfect book for all fairy tale fans.  Christopher Healy’s debut novel is a fresh take on the Princes Charming.  It’s a hilarious adventure-filled book that readers will adore.
Not all of the Princes Charming are quite so charming.  Really out of the four Prince Frederic is the only one that really fits the name.  Being charming is Frederic’s only real skill.  He’s terrified of practically everything but he can talk his way out of almost any bind.  Prince Gustav is the least charming of the four.  In fact, he’s sometimes downright rude.  He’s rather nasty at times but he does have a softer side.  He’s also rather hotheaded and he doesn’t really think things through.  Luckily he’s nearly indestructible.  Prince Liam is the only real hero of the bunch.  He’s spent his whole life saving people.  The only problem is that no one knows about it.  This time he wants recognition for his heroic deeds.  And last but not least there is Prince Duncan.  Duncan is an odd sort and because of this he has no friends.  He jumps at the chance to join the Princes Charming on their adventure and he hopes to bring along some of his seemingly endless supply of good luck.  There four get into quite a bit of trouble and it makes for some serious laughs.  And they are all so great although Prince Duncan is definitely my favorite of the four.
The story is full of adventure.  Prince Frederic sets out to find his missing fiancee and along the way he stumbles upon a plot that could ruin not only his kingdom but the kingdoms of the other Princes Charming as well.  Along the way they manage to encounter thieves, bandits, pirates, trolls, giants, dragons, and one very evil witch.  And let’s just say that they don’t always make it out of the encounters looking so charming.  The princes’ tactics are all quite hilarious and the messes they get into will have readers laughing throughout the book.
The princesses are all a bit of a mystery to me but there will be a sequel and hopefully there will be more about them in that book.  There’s a lot of potential for the princesses and I would love to read more about them.  Ella is the only one really prominently featured in this book and she is one fierce girl (who is also just plain brilliant.)  She is one girl who doesn’t need a prince to come save her.  Briar Rose, Snow White, and Rapunzel are also in the book but have much smaller roles.  There is also Prince Liam’s sister, Lila, who has a pretty big role and she has a lot of potential as well.  There girls all seem like they could be great heroines. (Except maybe Briar Rose.  She seems better suited to villainy and you’ll see why when you read the book.)
Overall, The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom is a fabulous fairy tale retelling.  This one has definitely earned a spot on my favorites shelf.

Looking for more reviews of The Hero’s Guide?
There’s A Book’s review
Emily’s Reading Room’s review

The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom (Book #1)
Untitled (Book #2) – 2013

About the author:

Christopher Healy spent years reviewing children’s books and media online and in print before setting off to write The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, his first children’s book. He lives with his wife and their two children in New Jersey. You can find him online at

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  1. I love it when authors take fairy tales and retell them or in this case give us an outlook on the princes, I’ve always wondered about them and who they really are.

  2. I recently came across your site and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.

  3. Oh my gosh this sounds fantastic! I never get tired of fairy tale retellings, especially when authors think of new and clever spins on them. πŸ™‚

  4. The review was great. I don’t usually read middle grade novels but your review has tipped me over the edge. Thank you for the chance to get my greedy little fingers on a copy. Cheers!

  5. Thanks for the great review. I always love to read other peoples’ opinions of books. I’ve been following the tour and reading all the reviews. So much fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Ahhh, I need this book! Can you believe that I forgot to order it in my last order?! Everything about it sounds perfect! and I love that it is one that my son will be able to enjoy too πŸ™‚ It sounds adventurous and unique! and even more so that they’re not charming at all! lol
    Thanks so much for sharing your review!!!

  7. This book sounds absolutely awesome πŸ™‚ I’ve seen it around lately and haven’t really stopped to check it out until now. I’m so glad I did! Your review definitely made me want to rush out and get this, which is what I’ll be doing if I don’t win a copy here first. Hopefully I can snag this copy though lol πŸ™‚ Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. It’s obvious how much you enjoyed the book. I think your coverage was evenhanded among the four princes, describing how each was handled in the story. It’s a shame the princesses were not so well developed but, as you said, there will be more time for that in future books.

  9. I got a recommendation on goodreads that I should read this book. I think it sounds awesome. Thanks for the great giveaway. I hear this one is supposed to be very funny.

  10. Great review! This book looks like so much fun, I love all these spins on fairy tales and classics we’ve had going. Hopefully I get to read this soon and meet all the princes haha.

  11. I need to read more MG novels – so far only Storybound is on my To-read pile but I think i might have to add this one too – love the title – SAH CUTE <3

  12. this looks like a fabulous read…I’m so glad it’s so thick too! glad you liked, and glad that there is another coming next year!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  13. Nice review! I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about this book, and I cannot wait to read it. I like the idea of the misfit Prince Charmings. πŸ™‚

  14. Yay for awesome middle grade! I’m glad to see you enjoyed this one and I hope you have some good middle grade adventures in store for future reading ;]

  15. Ouu! Another fairy tale! I don’t think anyone can get enough of fairy tales especially if it involves a charming Prince! πŸ™‚ The story sounds interesting already with thieves, bandits, pirates, trolls, giants, dragons and one evil witch involved!

  16. This is an awesome new twist! I love how there are many Prince Charmings and I’m glad you had one favorite.

    Love that it’s humorous πŸ™‚

    Lovely review πŸ™‚