Back To School Read-A-Thon!

It’s almost that time again:  time to go back to school!  I don’t know about you guys but I am dreading what this is going to do to my reading time.  The summer has been great for me to get caught up on my TBR but I’ve decided that I need a last little push and I figured some of you might too!

The read-a-thon will be from August 16 to August 20.  I know there are at least two other read-a-thons in August (ALA read-a-thon and JLA read-a-thon) and I tried not to overlap with them but that was pretty much impossible.  Sorry about that.

Now in case you are wondering what the heck a read-a-thon is:

A Readathon is where you set a goal for yourself to read more books that is beyond your average number of books you read. There is no minimum, it’s all up to you! Push yourself to get some of those books read that have been sitting on your shelves for awhile! You can read any type of book you choose!

(Definition taken from Angela at Reading Angel!)

How to participate:
Add your blog/Goodreads link to the linky below to let everyone know that you are participating! I will have another linky the night before the read-a-thon starts (August 15)where you can link up your kick-off posts but for now all you need to do is include a link to your blog.

What you get:
I will be hosting giveaways throughout the read-a-thon and you will also get some books off your TBR pile! Isn’t that what really matters?

So to recap, add your blog/Goodreads to the linky, get together what books you want to read, and on Wednesday night (August 15) I will post the kick-off post where you can link to your own read-a-thon kick off posts. =)

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  1. This sounds fun! Alas, I will have been in school for two weeks by the time it starts. Haha, good luck to everyone participating!

  2. thanks for joining the ala read-a-thon. good luck with both of your challenges. i am not in school anymore and i can only imagine what that would do to my reading schedule.

  3. It would be awesome to know if teens joined the readathon despite knowing all the reading they’ll have to do for school.