Mothership (Ever-Expanding Universe #1) by Martin Leicht & Isla Neal

book cover of Mothership by Martin Leicht and Isla Neal

Title: Mothership (Ever-Expanding Universe #1)
Author: Martin Leicht & Isla Neal
Release date: July 10, 2012
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 320
Source: Publisher

Teen pregnancy is never easy—especially not when extraterrestrials are involved. The first in a new trilogy.

Elvie Nara was doing just fine in the year 2074. She had a great best friend, a dad she adored, and bright future working on the Ares Project on Mars. But then she had to get involved with sweet, gorgeous, dumb-as-a-brick Cole—and now she’s pregnant.

Getting shipped off to the Hanover School for Expecting Teen Mothers was not how Elvie imagined spending her junior year, but she can go with the flow. That is, until a team of hot commandos hijacks the ship—and one of them turns out to be Cole. She hasn’t seen him since she told him she’s pregnant, and now he’s bursting into her new home to tell her that her teachers are aliens and want to use her unborn baby to repopulate their species? Nice try, buddy. You could have just called.

So fine, finding a way off this ship is priority number one, but first Elvie has to figure out how Cole ended up as a commando, work together with her arch-nemesis, and figure out if she even wants to be a mother—assuming they get back to Earth in one piece.

I can already tell that Mothership is going to be one of those seriously underrated books. Before getting a copy for review I had heard nothing about it and honestly I probably wouldn’t have purchased a copy at the bookstore just based on the summary and cover. Boy am I glad I gave this one a chance though. Mothership is a laugh-out-loud look at teen pregnancy in space. With aliens. Seriously, where could you go wrong?

Elvie is one very unhappy pregnant teenager. When her dad found out she was pregnant he immediately enrolled her in the Hanover School for Expecting Teen Mothers. It seemed like a good plan and things were going okay at the school until the ship was hijacked by some dudes carrying ray guns. One of which just happened to be the father of Elvie’s baby. Yeah, that’s when things got really crazy. The dudes with ray guns have quite a few things to share with the mommies-to-be at the school and oh yeah they have to get off the ship before it crash lands to Earth. No problem, right? Wrong!

Elvie was a total laugh. She is one of the craziest heroines you will ever read about. I mean, she’s a crazy pregnant teenager trapped on a ship in space with the baby daddy who ditched her, some aliens, and her worst enemy. However she never once lets that bring her down. Instead she cracks jokes about everyone and everything. She has an amazing sense of humor and that’s only one of the things I loved about her. She is also really brave (sometimes stupidly so), not afraid to speak her mind, a really good friend, and a good mommy-to-be to the Goober (as she calls the baby.)

The rest of the cast was just as awesome. Britta was the perfect arch-nemesis. Cole was the lovable but totally stupid baby daddy. Ducky was the completely awesome best friend. Ramona was the cynical but lovable pregnant friend. Natty was the completely clueless but hysterical other pregnant friend. Really, the cast was a perfect mix of personalities and I couldn’t help but love them all. Especially Cole. He was such a cute idiot. Even Elvie’s dad was a pretty cool guy.

The plot was edge-of-your-seat suspenseful! It doesn’t take long for things to really take off (get it?) and it’s a pretty non-stop action-packed book. There are explosions, tons of life-or-death situations, and even a few births. Throw in some flashbacks to before Elvie got pregnant and you’ve got pretty much the perfect blend of action, romance, friendship, and suspense. It’s definitely a one-sitting kind of read.

Overall, Mothership is going right to the top of my recommendation list. Full of lovable characters, non-stop action, laugh-out-loud hilarity, and swoon-worthy romance, it’s everything a reader could want in a book. Pick this one up now!

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  1. haha wow this looks good!! It is totally underrated but I’ve seen a couple of people talk about how amazing it is! I LOVE funny protagonists!
    great review!

    – juhina

  2. Your rating for this book really surprises me! I’ve been really worried about it just because it is a book that centers around teen pregnancy. With rates like this rising, there are a lot of tv shows, books, and everything else of the sort arriving in the media so people can state their views on the subject. Books with such controversial themes tend to worry me just because I want to read a story with a good plot, not get a 300 page lesson on your opinion of an openly controversial topic. However, your review makes me think that the author executed the story in an entertaining manner that doesn’t shove teen pregnancy down your throat. It seems like an entertaining read that I would have never even considered reading before I read this review. Interesting.

  3. Wouldn’t have picked it up either based on the cover or summary, but your review was awesome and it really talked about things I’d like – the funny main character, the school for pregnant teens (totally unique!!)

    Lovely review 🙂