Title: Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3)Author: Marissa MeyerRelease date: February 4, 2014Publisher: Feiwel & FriendsPages: 560Source: ALAReading level: YA Rapunzel’s tower is a satellite. She can’t let down her hair—or her […]

Title: Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3)Author: Marissa MeyerRelease date: February 4, 2014Publisher: Feiwel & FriendsPages: 560Source: ALAReading level: YA Rapunzel’s tower is a satellite. She can’t let down her hair—or her […]
Title: TransparentAuthor: Natalie WhippleRelease date: May 21, 2013Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 352Source: PublisherReading level: YAChallenge: YA Debut Author Transparent’s Fiona McClean could be a superhero. She has a mutation that allows her […]
Title: The Planet ThievesAuthor: Dan KrokosRelease date: May 21, 2013Publisher: StarscapePages: 256Source: PublisherReading level: MG Two weeks ago, thirteen-year-old Mason Stark and seventeen of his fellow cadets from the Academy […]
Title: Eve & AdamAuthor: Michael Grant, Katherine ApplegateRelease date: October 2, 2012Publisher: Feiwel & FriendsPages: 304Source: PublisherReading level: YA In the beginning, there was an apple – And then there […]
Title: Unbreakable (Unraveling #2)Author: Elizabeth NorrisRelease date: April 23, 2013Publisher: Balzer & BrayPages: 496Source: PublisherReading level: YAChallenge: Sophomore Reading Challenge Four months after Ben disappeared through the portal to his […]
Title: Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1)Author: Marissa MeyerRelease date: January 3, 2012Publisher: Feiwel & FriendsPages: 400Source: ALAReading level: YA Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly […]
Title: Altered (Altered #1)Author: Jennifer RushRelease date: January 1, 2013Publisher: Little, BrownPages: 336Source: BEAReading level: YA When you can’t trust yourself, who can you believe? Everything about Anna’s life is […]
Title: Through To YouAuthor: Emily HainsworthRelease date: October 2, 2012Publisher: Balzer & BrayPages: 272Source: PublisherReading level: YA Camden Pike has been grief-stricken since his girlfriend, Viv, died. He’d give anything […]
Title: False Memory (False Memory #1)Author: Dan KrokosRelease date: August 14, 2012Publisher: HyperionPages: 336Source: BEA Miranda wakes up alone on a park bench with no memory. In her panic, she […]
Title: So Close To You (So Close To You #1)Author: Rachel CarterRelease date: July 10, 2012Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 320Source: Publisher Lydia Bentley has heard stories about the Montauk Project all her […]