Top Tearjerkers I Have Not Yet Read

to the most incredible mum on the planet


As much as I love tearjerkers, I know that I have to be in the right mood to read them.  A lot of the time I will add one to my TBR but put off reading it for ages because I’m just not in the mood to cry.  Here are a handful of tearjerkers that are still collecting dust on my shelves because of this.


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The hype for this book has seriously scared me away from it.  I’ve even had the opportunity to read this for class credit and I still chose not to read it!  I will eventually cave and give it a shot but I’m not sure when that will happen.

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

I loved Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour and I made sure to get a copy of this one right when it first came out but I still haven’t read it.  I’m scared that it won’t live up to my expectations but I’m also terrified that it will turn me into a sobbing mess.  I’ve heard that Morgan Matson has a skill for doing that.

The Raven King (The Raven Cycle #4) by Maggie Stiefvater

Don’t even try to tell me this book won’t make me cry.  This whole series has been nothing but preparation for the sorrow that will come at the end of this book.  Maybe not even the end.  I wouldn’t put it past Maggie Stiefvater to bring the pain from the very first page.

Little Peach by Peggy Kern

This is one I’ve been putting off for multiple reasons.  Not only do I expect it to make me sob but I also expect it to make me uncomfortable as it’s a book about child prostitution.  I really think I’ll have to be in the right mood to check this one out.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about Patrick Ness’ books but this one in particular.  I’m a little ashamed to admit that I’ve actually never read anything by him.  From reading the summary, I don’t even know what this one is about but all the reviews say it’s heartbreaking!

What are some tearjerkers you are afraid to read?  Have you read any of these? (With the exception of The Raven King since that one isn’t out yet.)


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  1. I’ve read TFIOS from your list, and I started reading the Raven Boys but for some reason I didn’t enjoy it at the time. Perhaps I will give it another try. As for Patrick Ness, I’ve heard great things too but, alas, I have yet to read anything by him either!

  2. The only one I’ve read out of these books is TFIOS–and I read it before all the movie hype came about but there was still a HUGE amount of hype for this book, but nonetheless it still met my expectations 🙂 Definitely a tearjerker though! I have most of these books and still have yet to read them. I should soon! Great list and hope you get to read them soon 😀

  3. I did read TFIOS. I wasn’t as moved as everyone else (I don’t typically cry when reading, except Harry Potter. Holy Feels, Batman!). It was sad, and something I would’ve cried over when I was sixteen (I was big into Lurline McDaniel back then, so maybe I hardened myself against teen tragedy), but I kind of thought it was too pretentious for its own good.

  4. I totally understand about TFIOS. I think that the hype ruined it for me, to be honest.

    But Second Chance Summer oh my gosh GO READ IT! I have never head a bad experience with a Morgan Matson book (actually I adore all of them) but Second Chance Summer is awesome. The protag is humanly flawed and its refreshing to read about a character who is realistic in that way.

    I don’t tend to shy away from tear jerkers, but I understand why you do! 😀 Happy reading (and crying) lol.

  5. A Monster Calls was fabulous! It was WONDERFUL and AMAZING and everything good in this world! It did make me cry my heart out sooooo much T.T it’s soooo good thought!
    If you do end up reading any of them, I hope you enjoy them 😀

  6. I hate to sound so demanding buuuuuuuutttttttt…

    A Monster Calls. Must read- like, now ^_^v

  7. I’ve read the first two books in The Raven Cycle; if Stiefvater follows through on the foreshadowing, yes, there’ll probably be tears.

    I’ve read The Fault in Our Stars, and I was too annoyed to be sad. I really disliked it.

  8. When I read TFIOS I had to walk up to my bedroom and ball my eyes out, gosh it was so sad. I still haven’t read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, heard such good things about it but also it looks like it’s going to really emotional and like you I ened to be in the right mindset for that as well as place, preferably NOT in public. (I read the ending of Allegiant in public and well I got a few weird looks from people..) Happy reading! 😀

  9. I shed a few tears over TFiOS but nothing major. I just read Little Peach last month but was totally dry-eyed. It’s disturbing for sure but nothing that made me cry. For me it’s Colleen Hoover books. Pick any one and it probably had me ugly sobbing: Slammed, Hopeless, Ugly Love. Check, check, check. Those are killers for sure.

  10. I have read and loved A Monster Calls! I really want to read more of Patrick Ness’ books. Stay strong my friend! The only reason why I read The Fault in Our Stars was because it was required summer reading for one of my classes this past year. If it hadn’t been for that reason, I probably would not have read it. I don’t like reading books that are being so hyped up, because it totally influences my real opinion.