Proof of Forever Deleted Scene + Giveaway

I don’t know if you guys saw my review but I loved Proof of Forever.  When I was asked to share a deleted scene, I jumped at the chance.  And lucky for you guys, not only do I have a deleted scene, I also have an epic giveaway!

Before: It was the perfect summer of first kisses, skinny-dipping, and bonfires by the lake. Joy, Tali, Luce, and Zoe knew their final summer at Camp Okahatchee would come to an end, but they swore they’d stay friends.

After: Now, two years later, their bond has faded along with those memories.

Then: That is, until the fateful flash of a photo booth camera transports the four of them back in time, to the summer they were fifteen—the summer everything changed.

Now: The girls must recreate the past in order to return to the present. As they live through their second-chance summer, the mystery behind their lost friendship unravels, and a dark secret threatens to tear the girls apart all over again.

Always: Summers end. But this one will change them forever.


As she knocks on the door of the boys’ cabin, all Zoe can think about is setting Blake straight. She’s going to force him to take back the rumors about their hook-up if she has to. She’s been up all night feeling terrible about her fight with Tali and about her lie. Even though Tali was a total bitch to her, and no matter what she said about Zoe’s honesty, it’s still important for Zoe to tell the truth now. And frankly, she’s worried that there’s no way she’ll win the tournament today if she keeps feeling this distracted and awful.

Luckily it occurred to her that if Tali won’t listen to her, maybe she’ll believe Blake himself. Blake needs to tell the truth. It’s the only way.

When there’s no response to her second knock, Zoe pushes the door open. At first she can only make out a giant lumpy form, moving, writhing, moaning. It takes her a second to realize what she’s seeing: Blake. With another girl. The girl’s legs are wrapped around his body. She’s wearing cut-off shorts, her shirt is rolled up to reveal her bra, and her dark hair is tied in a messy braid winding its way over the edge of the bed.

Zoe knows that braid.

“Hadley?” Zoe blurts out, at the same time Hadley sits up with a squeal, bumping her head on the top bunk and knocking Blake off of her.

“What the hell?” Blake shouts. Then he registers that it’s Zoe. “What do you want? Another chance? Cause I’m a little busy here right now.”

“Ew,” Zoe says. “Hadley, you can do so much better than this creep.”

“Screw off, Zoe,” Hadley says with an eye roll. “Since when do you care who I hook up with?”

“What I care about is when people spread rumors about me that aren’t true,” Zoe states, directing her answer at Blake.

Hadley looks between the two of them and, clearly sensing unfinished business, stands up with a huff and leaves the cabin, despite Blake halfheartedly muttering for her not to go.

Zoe puts her hands on her hips. “You have to set the record straight about us. Publicly. Too many people’s feelings are getting hurt, over something that didn’t even happen.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you look hot when you’re mad?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a lying douche-bag?”

He slowly buttons his shirt, ignoring her remark. Then he looks back up at her. “Ya know, I can see why my sister likes you.”

Zoe sputters. “Excuse me, what?”

Blake rolls his eyes, standing up with one arm on the upper bunk bed, leaning on it casually and looking remarkably like an L.L Bean catalog model. “She hasn’t stopped talking about you for the last three days,” he says, and then hesitates. “Oh, no. Don’t tell me you bat for the other team.”

“The other team?” Zoe knows she’s just parroting him like an idiot but it’s taking her brain forever to catch up with the conversation. Ellis has been talking about her? Ellis likes her? Likes her, likes her?

Suddenly, Zoe can only see red. Can only see Ellis’s pesky grin. She’s got to set her straight.

“Look, I think your friend Tali is a great girl,” Blake says, as though Zoe’s look of complete horror is about that. “I’m just not interested in being tied down. We’re too young for that.”

But his words are a blur. “Thanks for your insight, Blake, but some of us have more important things to worry about than whose panties we’re getting into on any given day.”

He shrugs, smug. “Suit yourself. But I’m just saying, you’re probably missing out, with an attitude like that.”

She could swear he finishes with a wink but maybe she imagined it in her rush to get the hell out of there. She heaves a deep breath after stepping outside of the stinky boys’ cabin, her vision swimming. When it refocuses, she knows what she has to do.

She has to fight.


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