You guys, Reached is so close! Just a few more weeks and let me tell you, it’s worth the wait. However, to tide you over until you get the chance […]
![Reach Out (+ Swag Giveaway!)](
You guys, Reached is so close! Just a few more weeks and let me tell you, it’s worth the wait. However, to tide you over until you get the chance […]
This week’s challenge for the Silk and Paper campaign relies on you guys! Head over to the Matched Facts Tumblr and do your part to spread the word. Reblog/pin/tweet/Facebook, whatever […]
As part of the Silk and Paper campaign (an awesome group of bloggers) for the wonderful Matched trilogy there are challenges each week. This week’s challenge is something I need […]
Who hasn’t read Matched? Well now is the perfect time! In preparation for the final book take the time to check out the first or maybe even re-read it. Want […]
You guys, I am so excited to be part of a fabulous group of Archivists. Together we will help Ally Condie and PenguinTeen countdown to the release of Reached, the […]