Once again, I had super high hopes that I would read a ton of books in Februrary and that didn’t happen. I’m going to blame the short month. Heist Society […]

Once again, I had super high hopes that I would read a ton of books in Februrary and that didn’t happen. I’m going to blame the short month. Heist Society […]
I really slacked off in January. I had all these great plans to read a ton of books and that totally didn’t happen. With ALA, school, and work, I just […]
I didn’t participate in a single reading challenge in 2012. I knew I was going to be plenty busy and I just didn’t want to commit to any of them. […]
I know I said that I was only doing three challenges this year but my good friend Reggie from The Undercover Book Lover (not really) is hosting this one and […]
Here is the list of challenges that I am taking part in for the year of 2011. I will keep track of them all on this page as well as […]
Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit has created a fabulous new challenge that I am so excited to be participating in. I read some of the Simon Pulse romantic comedies back in […]
Another challenge! I am really excited about all the challenges that I am going to be participating in for 2010. =] This one is pretty self-explanatory: you try to read […]
For my second challenge of 2010 I plan on participating in the 10 in ’10 Chick Lit challenge co-hosted by author Kay Cassidy and blogger Jessica from Chick Lit Teens. […]
The Story Siren is hosting the 2010 Debut Author Challenge and if you want to find out more about it you can read all her info here. The challenge will […]
So, I have noticed a couple challenges that I think would be fun to participate in. Briana at The Book Pixie and Kelsey at The Book Scout have both posted […]