Title: Shattered SoulsAuthor: Mary LindseyRelease date: December 8, 2011Publisher: PhilomelPages: 336Source: Publisher Lenzi hears voices and has visions – gravestones, floods, a boy with steel gray eyes. Her boyfriend, Zak, […]
Category: review
The Secret Sisterhood Of Heartbreakers by Lynn Weingarten
Title: The Secret Sisterhood Of HeartbreakersAuthor: Lynn WeingartenRelease date: December 27, 2011Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 352Source: Publisher When her boyfriend breaks up with her on the first day of sophomore year, Lucy […]
Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout | Review
Wow! Half-Blood is the book that would be produced if the Vampire Academy series and the Percy Jackson series had a baby! It was a mix of all my favorite […]
Daughter Of Smoke & Bone (DoSaB #1) by Laini Taylor | Review
Daughter Of Smoke & Bone is a new favorite of mine. From the very beginning of this book I was captivated and I could not put it down. Now I […]
Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra Clare
Title: Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2)Author: Cassandra ClareRelease date: December 6, 2011Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry BooksPages:497Source: Publisher In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found […]
The Probability Of Miracles by Wendy Wunder
Title: The Probability Of MiralcesAuthor: Wendy WunderRelease date: December 8, 2011Publisher: RazorbillPages: 336Source: Trade Dry, sarcastic, sixteen-year-old Cam Cooper has spent the last seven years in and out hospitals. The […]
Unearthly (Unearthly #1) by Cynthia Hand
Title: Unearthly (Unearthly #1)Author: Cynthia HandRelease date: January 4, 2011Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 435Source: Publisher In the beginning, there’s a boy standing in the trees . . . . Clara Gardner has recently learned […]
Blog Tour: Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn
Title: Open Minds (Mindjack Trilogy #1)Author: Susan Kaye QuinnRelease date: November 1, 2011Pages: 326Source: Author When everyone reads minds, a secret is a dangerous thing to keep. Sixteen-year-old Kira Moore […]
Past Perfect by Leila Sales
Title: Past PerfectAuthor: Leila SalesRelease date: October 4, 2011Publisher: Simon PulsePages: 322Source: Bookstore All Chelsea wants to do this summer is hang out with her best friend, hone her talents […]
Unison Spark by Andy Marino
Title: Unison SparkAuthor: Andy MarinoRelease date: November 8, 2011Publisher: Henry Holt & Co.Pages: 240Source: Publisher Everyone is obsessed with Unison, the social network that knows you better than you know […]