Title: Infinityglass (Hourglass #3)Author: Myra McEntireRelease date: August 6, 2013Publisher: EgmontPages: 336Source: Netgalley/PublisherReading level: YAChallenge(s): End of Series The stakes have risen even higher in this third book in the […]

Title: Infinityglass (Hourglass #3)Author: Myra McEntireRelease date: August 6, 2013Publisher: EgmontPages: 336Source: Netgalley/PublisherReading level: YAChallenge(s): End of Series The stakes have risen even higher in this third book in the […]
Title: So Close To You (So Close To You #1)Author: Rachel CarterRelease date: July 10, 2012Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 320Source: Publisher Lydia Bentley has heard stories about the Montauk Project all her […]
Title: Timepiece (Hourglass #2)Author: Myra McEntireRelease date: June 12, 2012Publisher: EgmontPages: 336Source: ALA A threat from the past could destroy the future. And the clock is ticking… Kaleb Ballard’s relentless […]
Title: Hourglass (Hourglass #1)Author: Myra McEntireRelease date: June 14, 2011Publisher: EgmontPages: 387Source: Gifted One hour to rewrite the past . . . For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing […]
Title: Tempest (Tempest #1)Author: Julie CrossRelease date: January 17, 2012Publisher: St. Martin’s GriffinPages: 352Source: Publisher The year is 2009. Nineteen-year-old Jackson Meyer is a normal guy… he’s in college, has […]
Book: The Young City by James Bow (The Unwritten Books #3) Rating: 5 Stars Release Date: November 24, 2008 Summary:Rosemary Watson and Peter McAllister think their future is clear: they’re […]
Book: Fathom Five by James Bow (The Unwritten Books #2) Rating: 4 Stars Release Date: April 30, 2007 Summary:On the surface, Peter McAllister has a good life: a good school, […]
Book: The Unwritten Girl by James Bow Rating: 4 Stars Release Date: April 1, 2006 Summary:Rosemary Watson lives in the small town of Clarksbury, where news travels fast and gossip […]