Title: Social Suicide (Hartley Featherstone #2)Author: Gemma HallidayRelease date: April 24, 2012Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 272Source: Publisher Twittercide [twit-er-sahyd]: the killing of one human being by another while the victim is in […]

Title: Social Suicide (Hartley Featherstone #2)Author: Gemma HallidayRelease date: April 24, 2012Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 272Source: Publisher Twittercide [twit-er-sahyd]: the killing of one human being by another while the victim is in […]
Title: Deadly Cool (Hartley Featherstone #1)Author: Gemma HallidayRelease date: October 11, 2011Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 303Source: Publisher Hartley Grace Featherstone is having a very bad day. First she finds out that her […]
Title: I Hunt Killers (I Hunt Killers #1)Author: Barry LygaRelease date: April 3, 2012Publisher: Little, Brown BFYRPages: 359Source: Publisher What if the world’s worst serial killer…was your dad? Jasper (Jazz) […]
Title: Slide (Slide #1)Author: Jill HathawayRelease date: March 27, 2012Publisher: Balzer & BrayPages: 250Source: Publisher Vee Bell is certain of one irrefutable truth—her sister’s friend Sophie didn’t kill herself. She […]
Title: Perception (Clarity #2)Author: Kim HarringtonRelease date: March 1, 2012Publisher: Scholastic PointPages: 288Source: Publisher When you can see things others can’t, what do you do when someone’s watching you? Everybody […]
Book: And Then I Found Out The TruthAuthor: Jennifer SturmanPublished: July 1, 2010 from PointMy edition/number of pages: ARC/262 Age group: Young adultSource: PublisherSeries?: Yes. Second book. Delia Truesdale is […]
Book: Wanted (Pretty Little Liars #8)Author: Sara ShepardPublished: June 8, 2010 from HarperTeenMy edition/number of pages: HC/272 Age group: Young adultSource: BookstoreSeries?: Yes. Final book. In Rosewood, majestic estates sprawl […]
Book: Heartless (Pretty Little Liars #7)Author: Sara ShepardPublished: January 19, 2010 from HarperTeenMy edition/number of pages: HC/275 Age group: Young adultSource: BookstoreSeries?: Yes. Seventh book. The newest installment in Sara […]
Book: DeceptionAuthor: Lee NicholsPublished: June 8, 2010 from Bloomsbury USAMy edition/number of pages: ARC/336 Age group: Young adultSource: PublisherSeries?: Yes. First book. When Emma Vaile’s parents leave on mysterious business […]
Book: Crossing by Andrew Xia Fukuda Release date: April 27, 2010 Number of pages: 217 Publisher: Amazon Encore From: Author Summary: A loner in his all-white high school, Chinese-born Xing […]