This review is going to be extremely hard for me to write. My feelings for Strange and Ever After are all over the place! I loved it, I hated it, […]

This review is going to be extremely hard for me to write. My feelings for Strange and Ever After are all over the place! I loved it, I hated it, […]
A Darkness Strange and Lovely is a strong sequel to Something Strange and Deadly. It follows the same trajectory of the first book which is to say it’s fast-paced, full […]
Something Strange and Deadly was one of the series on my list to start and attempt to finish this year. I’ve had Something Strange and Deadly on my shelf since […]
The Merciless by Danielle Vega is seriously one of the creepiest books I’ve read, especially for YA. I knew it was horror when I started reading it but I really […]
I hate myself right now. I’ve had Brenna’s books on my shelf for quite some time and I only just recently picked one up and read it. Now I’m definitely […]
Dearly, Beloved is an amazing follow-up to Dearly, Departed. The writing is just as flawless, the setting just as lovely/creepy, the characters just as wonderful, and the zombies just as […]
I have to start off by saying that this is one of the best books I have read recently and definitely my number one zombie book. The page count made […]