The Star-Touched Queen, Roshani Chokshi’s debut novel, will have you shaking your head in disbelief that it is, in fact, a debut novel. The Star-Touched Queen reads like Roshani Chokshi […]

The Star-Touched Queen, Roshani Chokshi’s debut novel, will have you shaking your head in disbelief that it is, in fact, a debut novel. The Star-Touched Queen reads like Roshani Chokshi […]
I admit I wasn’t sure that I wanted to start this series. While I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, I’m already 14 books in with that one and I […]
I’m a huge advocate for contemporary young adult literature. I love it and I think it doesn’t get enough recognition or love from a lot of readers. Tell Me Three […]
Kat Howard’s debut novel landed on my doorstep one afternoon and, after reading the blurb from Neil Gaiman, I decided I’d give it a shot. Roses and Rot is unlike […]
Richelle Mead made me fall in love with her writing years ago when I read Vampire Academy. I never expected to find something of hers that I loved more than […]
Hot Pterodactyl Boyfriend is probably one of the most bizarre books I’ve ever read. I mean, just look at the title and synopsis. You can’t really expect normal from a […]
The Steep and Thorny Way is my first foray into Cat Winters’ work but it won’t be my last. While the Hamlet retelling aspect of this one was what first […]
Save Me, Kurt Cobain is one of those books that popped up on my radar and I added it to my TBR without even really knowing what to expect from […]
It’s been a while since I’ve read a book about faeries and that’s because I’m really picky when it comes to them. Melissa Marr has always been one of my […]
I am pretty much the biggest history buff ever. I have a very weird fascination with anything Nazi Germany related (probably something to do with my History minor) so Wolf […]