Book Haul! (106)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.
For review:
-Rise (Salvaged #2) by Stefne Miller (My review is quoted in this!)(And it’s signed to me!)
Dead Rules by Randy Russel
Open Wounds by Joseph Lunievicz
-Bloodspell by Amalie Howard
Laney (The Brookehaven Vampires #1) by Joann Martin Sowles (signed!)
The Lucky Kind by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
The Map Of Time by Felix J. Palma
Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey
The Carrier Of The Mark by Leigh Fallon
The Beginning Of After by Jennifer Castle
Frost by Marianna Baer
Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions edited by Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong
Dark Eden by Patrick Carman
Possess by Gretchen McNeil
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies
Variant by Robison Wells
Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1) by Tera Lynn Childs
Vanish (Firelight #2) by Sophie Jordan
Crashed (Skinned #2) by Robin Wasserman
The Book Of Luke by Jenny O’Connell
Slayed by Amanda Marrone
Bitten by R.L. Stine
Wow!  I got a ton of amazing books this week and I can’t wait to read them all.  I think I may need to drop out of school to get that done though.  =)
What do you want me to read first?  What was in your mailbox this week?
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  1. You already know how jealous I am of the Harper Teen books. lol. I’ve been wanting to try the Homelanders series. I have and need to read The Poison Eaters. Happy reading. 😀
